Can the pimax 8k use MORE than one lighthouse?

I was confused by the statement on the Kickstarter page stating that pimax 8k “can use one lighthouse”.

Can the pimax 8k use two lighthouses?

Will need @deletedpimaxrep1 to confirm.

But the one lighthouse i believe has to do with they have figured a way for 1 lighthouse to do 360 room scale. I imagine you can still add more if needed.

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There were two lighthouses being used in the impressions video that came out last week.

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If we buy 1 HTC Vive basestation will that be enough for basic positional tracking?

Only want it for seated gaming in a chair. Racing games flight sims etc…

Yeah, that should be fine for seated.

Do you know was HTC bringing out a newer version of the light house or is this already it?

Yes you can use two light houses for sure.

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If I buy one HTC lighthouse will it be enough for seated sim gaming? Thanks

yes that would be enough

This things are too expensive.Maybe it’s worth to wait until February for pimax lighthouses and controllers.

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Ok now I’m confused.

I backed the full package that comes with 2 base stations. So have they changed the package to be only 1 base station now? if so, will the price drop?

You will get two base stations with the package you backed.