Can someone explain how 60fps vids will looks better above 60hz

The Pimax 4k with 60 hz I can view videos at almost hit 60fps. Since most videos are only 60fps. Will there be much improvement in videos regarding fluid motion with the 8K 85hz and or 5K Plus 90HZ. Thanks!

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You can’t keep your head perfectly still. Your movements will render in 90 hz regardless of what the video is in. This can help prevent you from becoming dizzy or getting a headache.

Otherwise, nothing specifically about the video will change.


Oh ok that makes sense, I forgot to factor in head movement. Thanks for the reply

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Only if you use smooth video project


@noro has done some good research on players.

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I have tried that but it was too CPU,GPU hungry for my rig. Im updating PC soon so hope to take advantage of SVP

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Make sure you use 64 bit. When I did 32 bit versions at install choice my performance was 100% load on cpu lol but like 5% on 64bit lol


Well they won’t look better, at least 60fps videos, they will look worse on 80/90Hz but great on 60Hz.
As a rule of thumb you need matching multiples to achieve best results, otherwise frames need to be irregulary dropped or added which causes bad motion.
With eg. 30fps footage the problem is neglectable.
Since 2x30=60 and 3x30=90 will at least not lead to irregular motion but be even smoother on 90.
Others are even suggesting a 72 mode for 24fps footage that is quite common.
You see, you need to take the footage itself into consideration, otherwise everything has it’s pros and cons.
So “why not record everything in 30fps anyway?”
Well, the higher your recording fps, the darker the picture gets (kinda logical but I advice everyone to check it out) so in bad lighting recording at 24fps looks better.


I love SVP but I’m not sure if it is for everybody since you really must learn a little about it in order to get good results. It’s not activate and lean back program otherwise you end up having artefacts that may not be worth the smoother motion. Also keep in mind that you will need reclock as well which unfortunately has issues with 64bit players. Reclock is basically a pre-round of your fps to get SVP to work best also to make sure your audio keeps in sync.


Hadn’t had issues thus far with audio sync. Watching movies at 90fps to me is like a massage to my eyeballs lol it’s endlessly attractive for some reason. Anyway I figured out good “out the door working well” settings for anyone that wants to watch their movies in native 90fps + 90hz.


I’d love if you share that setting, still trying to improve from time to time and always open to suggestions. But I’m curious how you manage not to have issues with the 64bit Version since reclock does not work with it. U use mvp hc?
The problem if you playback 24fps footage without reclock svp can’t do a good job because you can’t get 60 or 90 as multiple that means either odd frames will be added/dropped or need to be streched which will result in a audio detune. Reclock eg would round to 30 so the footage can be set to 2x (monitor60) or 3x(hmd90) This is also btw. why the 8k would suck big time without another setting than 80hz for movies at least in terms of motion. But just in case, I realize that not everybody will see the difference, I hate that I do.


Wow, a plethora of info regarding the SVP project here. No wonder I could not get it working right with my Pimax 4K and I researched it extensively. I think the best I got was 70fps ish, however if I remember correctly it never really looked right probably since I didn’t understand the “multiples”" theory. I still have the SVP program on my PC. I too am sensitive to low fps in video and SDE as well. Since the 8k cannot achieve 90hz then the 5K plus might be a better choice for me if Im wanting to try SVP again. I would also like to know what the SVP “out the door working well:” settings are when you get time.