Just wonder do we have an option to buy a leap montion now and get it with kickstarter package ? I know that during kicks was an option but I wasn’t sure if I want it. Now after half year later we got hand tracking support in some games like Xplane 11 and DCS so I would like to buy this accessory to be shiped together with my Pimax 8k.
Same here, i’ll be happy to add it to my pimax 8k when we know more about the leap motion. Is there any software compatible with it ? How better is this version vs the original? Can it be used as a controller emulator?
I have the original leap motion so I could do some wand emulation and compared to actual wands I like the hand controllers by Leap Motion much better. Too bad content is very limited still. But it’s understandable because a game today is usually designed and imagined around the controllers so it’s a bit of a catch 22 situation.
Simulated button presses suck by the way, can’t accurately point and ‘click’ unfortunately.
I’m very skeptical about the way Leap motion is selling their new OEM tracking unit. I ask for it a year a ago. Just check and still nothing is available for the common developer. Even just 2 day ago they publicly open source their nice north star project but still no new board available. How can we have “Leap motion” content if no developers has this hardware in hand
Hoping the Pimax 8K will help change this…
if you have not gained it during the kickstarter benchmark campaign i suspect you will need to purchase it retail when it appears on the website. it is currently marked as out of stock as the 8k is not consumer release yet. although i must say it does look good but should wait till the beta testers have tried it out to see how good it is.
If I recall correctly they have been posting that offer on and off throughout the last couple of months.
But admittedly funny how they can determine a price when the manufacturer hasn’t yet completed the prototype phase
That’s China for ya.
I like Pimax 8K Leap Motion edition
It was on Gearbest way before the Kickstarter for Pimax 8K even started, with a pre-order option, maybe they know the retail date is closing in
I would be interested in adding leapmotion to my order as well. Could we get an answer to this? @deletedpimaxrep1
What can Leapmotion do anyway…what software/games support it?
It tracks your hands and lets you control a game without a controller. I have no idea which games support it, but I think it’s a very small number of them.
I would be quite surprised it it was that low. They can come in at $1k plus and destroy the vive pro.
You can use a driver to use the leap motion to replace the vive or pimax controllers with the hands. So I think there is a way to play any game with the hands instead of using the controllers
That driver looks for certain finger movements to emulate triggers. Doesn’t work neat at all. When you aim and have to use a trigger, your hand will move again and you’ll miss most of the time. Very frustrating.
So it seems not practical . What I find in vr in general is that software wise (game wise included) , they are much behind in developing , compared to hardware developing. We have hardware gadgets with very limited and restricted use, at the moment you buy them
The guy from Driver4VR had a solution but I never got it working without glitches. He used cheap bluetooth remote controls which will be used as the buttons.
The idea is cool. Your hands are free and provide 6dof tracking and even tilt. Then when you grab a gun, you can grab the remote and you’ll have a gun in your hand which you can shoot with. Drop the gun and you’re just there with your hands and fingers all tracked perfectly.
I ordered my remotes from cheap chinese vendors so maybe that’s why they didn’t work consistently but when it did work the problem was solved.
Leap motion isnt that great, and to be honest it’s not a company you can trust with support and future updates.
They dumped their integrated keyboard support for no real reason, leaving many people with integrated sensors in their keyboards and laptop redundant and incompatible with their latest software and games.