Can I haz my 8k Unit please?

I don’t know when my 8k will arrive and I feel disapointed when I see videos on youtube pop up of people buying an 8k Unit from Korea :confused: So Pimax Team can you atleast tell me/ us when we can exspect our units to be delivered? Month after Month I tell my family and friends that I will get it next Month… it has turned into a running gag by now and I feel like a laughing stock every time I mention your Products and how great they must be… to be even more honest, you kind of killed VR for me :frowning:


For some reason, 8K backers have become invisible to them.

They don’t seem to see or acknowledge our requests and pleas for any info about when we will receive our 8Ks anymore.

Just a simple estimate of when we (or anyone) would receive them would be great. But since CNY there has been none.


Yea I don’t speak of Pimax anymore to my friends and family because people look at me at being crazy to still be excited for it.

The saddest part is, I also bought a 5K+ pledge and that one is due to be delivered within 2 hours from when I type this. And I’m not even that excited anymore…


Lol talk about over exaggeration…

Have you read this? It wason the forum and emailed to me by pimax not long ago 31-jan

Pimax Support do 31 jan. 07:27

aan 支持

Bericht vertalen

Uitschakelen voor: Engels

Dear Pimax 8K Backers,

The team here at Pimax felt it was important we put out some official information about how our production of the Pimax 8K is so much slower than the Pimax 5K+.
First thing - We absolutely apologize for the slowdown on the delivery of 8K headsets!

You should know we have been actively improving the 8K production by increasing the quality assurance standards that are required before *any headset is allowed to be shipped to a customer. In recent months this new standard caused us to reject 8K panels at a much higher rate and therefore caused fewer approved devices for shipment. This caused a gap between scheduled deliveries of panels from our supplier and our efforts have been to accelerate deliveries from the supplier.

Our goal is the lowest return rate possible but unfortunately, this did slow down progress compared to our rapid production of the 5K+. We have chosen quality over quantity and we hope you will bear with us as we ensure we deliver you the best devices we can build.
We are doing our best to build and ship as many 8K devices as we can be we will not complete the remaining shipments before the logistics center closes for the Spring Festival from Feb. 3rd to Feb. 10th. We will endeavor to get the remaining devices shipped directly following the Chinese New Year holiday.

in the comments
@PimaxUSA " stated 40% of 8k was produced and shipped around CNY. @anon74848233 also confirmed it was all 8K being send after CNY. I’ts only not visible yet on the spreadsheet. I hope they will update soon, as i backed 8k also


That was 20 days ago, before the CNY. Also, they only said they would ship them. It still doesn’t tell us when we might get them … which is what I and OP of this thread is asking.

And since spreadsheet says all 8K are still “building”, then I’m not sure what to believe. Hope they do a proper update soon.

So you think they have lost there commitment within 20 days with the CNY in between? wich is 10 working days all together.
Nobody knows exactly how long the shipping will take it is depending on so many factors.
I also hope they will update the spreadsheet soon

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How is this an exaggeration? It will be deliverd within the hour and I’m happy but the fun has dimished a lot over the past months

So you think they have lost there commitment within 20 days with the CNY in between? wich is 10 working days all together.

No, I think they are still committed to delivering the 8Ks. I do not doubt that.

I just would like to know when to expect to receive it.

Nobody knows exactly how long the shipping will take it is depending on so many factors.

I think Pimax themselves must know when the shipment will reach the warehouses. The shipping company they use must be able to give at least an estimate or ETA. They themselves also have experience of how long shipments usually take. With this info, I think they should be able to give us an estimate, but they have not.

Hopefully if first shipment was on 12 Feb as PimaxUSA said, then at least the ones for HK warehouse should be arriving soon, as it has been already a week. Shanghai and Hong Kong are not that far from each other, I don’t understand how a shipment between them could take any much longer.

I said:

Just a simple estimate of when we (or anyone) would receive them would be great. But since CNY there has been none.

meaning there has been no estimates given since CNY. Sorry if that was a bit ambiguous.

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We have to wait, our 8k panels were used for the 8ks korean edition.

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This is wrong Kevin told us the panel supplier couldn’t enough until recently.
However judging by the radio silence they still might not be.

yes it could well be it isn’t delivered. If pimax has gotten wiser from the past they should let us know.

yeah i hope mine is in the 12th feb batch too, agree pimax should be a lot clearer with shipping. Now we are not even sure in what batch our headsets are. In the beginning i was even suprised they didn’t give an personal shipping notification to backers, wich the bare basic when ordering stuff and would take away lot of irritation. I guess to much work for them or they have the logistic stuff not managed well