Thanks to @SparkerInVR for the patient testing!
Currently supports Pimax and Vive Pro HS.
- Fix: Bug in Run at Startup (watch out the AutoUpdater is impacted as well, you may need to update manually!)
- New: Toast for BS commands progress (so you know if it’s actually doing something), can be disabled from Help and Info Dropdown menu
- New: Notifications and BLE errors improvements
- New: Run at Startup executable path will be replaced with the current if different from registry (avoid startup of an old version)
- New: Moved from .NET 5 to .NET Core 3.1 (less memory requirements, more stable development environment); .NET install now self-contained (bigger file size)
- New: Improved routine to kill processes
- Fix: Support for HTC manufactured Base Stations v2
- Fix: Added support for Pimax LightHouses DB
- Fix: Bug in Run at Startup
- New: Option to automatically start & kill Pimax Runtime & close SteamVR components (reduces risk of SteamVR crashes)
- New: Manage Runtime is an option that can be enabled in the System Tray Icon Dropdown Menu
- New: Manage Runtime can be enabled if the Pimax Runtime is not in the default directory running only once BSManager with Admin privileges
- New: Delayed Base Stations control; rebooting HMD or PiService will not trigger a Base Stations power off/on cycle
- New: Customizable list for processes to be killed gracefully, default: “vrmonitor”, “vrdashboard”, “ReviveOverlay”, “vrmonitor” (twice in the list to repeat)
- New: Graceful list can be customized using a “BSManager.grace.txt” file in the same directory of BSManager.exe, one process per line (will replace the default)
- New: Immediate killing list (SIGTERM) can be customized using a “BSManager.kill.txt” file in the same directory of BSManager.exe, one process per line
- Fix: Improved log files readability
- New: Unified BLE workflow for BS v1 and v2, no functional changes
- New: Background thread that will start and stop the BLE Advertisement watcher on demand
- New: Reduced CPU usage from 0.01-0.02% to almost 0% in idle
- New: Optimized memory usage, should be stable at about 65MB (Garbage collector every 10 minutes)
- New: Support for Base Stations v2
- New: Removed discovery to use BLE Advertisement messages instead
- New: Icon to display BS status, action pending
- New: Switch to enable/disable Debug Log
- Fix: Many fixes and code improvements