What is the best way to block/minimize blue light in Pimax 8K? I mean the same thing like “f.lux” does on PC or “night mode” on smartphones. For use HMD before sleep and not to interfere melatonin production.
I see in PiTool brightness and contrast for R,G,B. If I low everything to -5 for blue, will it work as need?
Or maybe there is another way to block/lower blue light through steamvr, nvidia settings or smth?
If you need that you are obviously not playing until you NEED to sleep and fall asleep still in VR
I know steamvr at least with the vive has a “night mode” which decreased the brightness, dont think it took out blues, i used to run it all the time when i was playing Elite due to the low light environments of outer space and it worked good for that.
Your best bet is likely something like what you suggest, check what changes stuff like lux actually does to color balance and applying as close to that to you settings.
I didn’t tell that I want to play right before sleep. There are also stuff like Nature Treks VR , YoutubeVR etc, which helps to relax before sleep. But without blocking blue light (making colors warmer around 1200-2000K, I like 1200K with f.lux on my monitor) it can have opposite effects simultaneously (increase gaba and decrease melatonin, roughly speaking).
Vive’s “night mode” don’t work with Pimax, isn’t it?
Sadly I don’t know how to “check” this It would be cool if somebody could confirm my assumption about this “-5” for blue (or disprove).
We would need to know the back light color tempature. A 3000k bulb for example has a yellowish tint and not as much Blue light. Where as 6000k is white and more like daylight fir blue light.
Should maybe suggest it as a feature request to adjust color warmth.
Blue light helps you sleep is a myth.
Blue Light can interfer with sleep not help. This has been documented that Blue light waves signal the body not to produce as much melatonin. How this affects one will vary from person to person.
Got no opinion on this one, maybe it helps or maybe it doesnt but in the end my suggestion was to try and mimic the changes done by already established stuff.
I think the SteamVR night mode is just lower brightness overall because i remember it looking dim when initially enabled but allowing for deeper blacks and maybe slightly less fresnel glare with no noticeable loss in vibrance after the eyes had adjusted.
Yes exactly, color temperature low mode / regulation needs. It’s more correct to say than just blue light filtering. However lowering blue in PiTool should lower color temperature IMO. I hope I’m right, seems no other options whatever, so will do it.
Heliosurge, maybe you “add” some guys from Pimax support to this thread as you often do? First of all for request this feature, and secondly I want to hear from them will lowering to “-5” (and only brightness or contrast too?) in PiTool for blue lower color temperature or not.
Lowering color temperature should lower whole brightness too, but “right” night mode will cut exactly what needs not just dim all colors. And again my question: is steamvr night mode works with Pimax or not?
No idea about night mode, but earlier versions of PiTool had a backlight brightness setting. My understanding is that it will be available in a future version, so that will be one way to truly reduce blue light (and red and green). I really liked using the Low backlight brightness in Elite D, so I wish Pimax would hurry up and restore that option.
I cant find the option to enable it using my 5k+, the UI has changed since i was using it on my vive but the button used to be on the main page that showed up when opening the dash so it should still be somewhere obvious if its available.
Some quick searches turns up results from this year saying its unavailable on the index due to it having LCD as opposed to the OLED of the vive and vive pro.
It might be theoretically possible to use on Pimax OLED hmds but i guess pimax would have to make steamvr aware of the functionality of their hmds, which seems unlikely since there are already brightness sliders in pitool.
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