Is the 8KX Black Friday deal for a free cable, thats it ?? I havnt been following the forums for a while now so I had a question or two. Is retail of the 8KX $1299 if bought off Pimax website, and $1499 if purchased on Amazon. Im thinking about getting the 8KX but trying to get the best deal available.
The best 8kx Deal was yesterday on proshop denmark. Nearly 1200 Euro inclusive. VAT. But, now all sold out.
Black Friday… hmmmm… wait, what reminds me that of??? Oh, yeah, my Black Friday order from 2019 is actually in transit. Today! And should arrive Black Friday 2020, literally… Well, no catastrophies pending, that is, but, honestly, who would expect such???
Uh, Proshop will take on Pimax??? That’s VERY good news. And no, this is NOT cheek in tongue.
free cable where you have to pay customs and shipping costs!!!
Komplett (big Nordic dealer) also sells Pimax headsets and have for a long time…
Yea. I live in USA. I thought they had a warehouse in USA, who knows?? Pimax can switch it up on a dime.
I do know Proshop who deliver fast and reliable across Europe, just didn’t know they woudl carry Pimax. IMHO having them as official source is better than Amazon, they should really promote this and get the word out. Also, Proshop do run good discounts every now and then which surely will help Pimax to find a wider user base. And, they do know how to handle importing and shipping out to their customers, let alone sticking to their delivery and stock promises … just saying… did I mention my 8KX promised to arrive in time to participate for the 8KX contribution still sits in Shanghai groundhog loop with its “last” (!) label created last week? If we ship FedEx international Priority it will be with the customer 2 days later no matter where on this planet.
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