Big IPD, which headset do you recommend?

So my IPD is 74mm, more or less depending on how close my eyes are and how well the headset sits. My nose is wide and that makes picking a VR headset difficult because the IPD is too big for most.

So now I’m wondering whether PIMAX would be a good fit. I do know its wider than most but I don’t see a lot of experiences posted by folks with high IPD. And I can’t seem to confirm whether the 5K XR, 5K Plus or 8K Plus are valid choices. Mainly the 5K variants, because those are a bit cheaper and fit my system better.

I did have a Oculus DevKit2 and more recently a WMR, but they just didn’t make me feel good while playing. The DK2 was too low res before really setting in, but the WMR headset was just not right for my IPD. Playing with 1 eye closed was doable, but 2 made it blurry and uncomfortable. So thats why I wanna know if Pimax would be a better fit.

I would reccommend trying one before buying if possible. Or a return if not suitable.

Hardware wise Pimax supports 60-72 mechanical ipd adjustment

Ipd off set adjustments through software may support wider or narrower ipds. But not guaranteed.

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My ipd is 73 and I have always thought that I did not have to deal with many of the problems that seem to be talked about here on the forums. I at least partially attribute this to my large ipd.

But there are most certainly other possibilities.

  1. I have a late 8k so I might have a lucky good headset.
    2)I have never owned another, so I have no good comparisons and it could be that I’m just not fussy. :slight_smile:
    3)From a lifetime of lifting and carrying heavy bags at work, I have significant neck disc issues that yield major headaches 24/7, so I can only use a headset for a limited time, an hour or 2 at most before the headaches get too bad. I have never known whether the Pimax headset is part of it or if any other brand headset would do the same. My inclination is that any headset would do the same. It just feels that way to me, but I have no basis for it.

Sorry for the quite long winded answer. I actually think I personally would be nervous about other brands of headsets and their ipd, because the Pimax actually fits me. :slight_smile:


My ipd is 72. My 5k+ is set on 68 and that’s fine for me.
For extreme ipd, I don’t think that software ipd adjustment makes sense. Usually these people are outside the sweetspot and the software ipd won’t solve this.


@Heliosurge my hardware IPD can got to 75mm?

They also advertise it going to to 75mm


So the hardware ipd adjusts to 75? Been awhile thought the mechanical ipd went from 60 to 72 with the “Self Adaption” being advertised “55 to 75”

Ya I can totally wheel it to like 73.8 before it feels like ill break it.

I am a 72mm IPD for reference so this is why I moved PIMAX


Chances are, you will be fine with Pimax. I have my IPD at 72 mm, but I was usually wearing Pimax set to 70 mm, because it just felt more natural. My suspicion is that at the extreme IPD the indicated values are somehow skewed, so it shows 70 mm, but in fact accepts 72, but this is just a hunch.

Apart from that, I do not know about any other headset with such big IPD. I tested Index and found it too narrow (it goes up to 70 mm). I did not bother with anything else, except Quest, which advertises 72 mm, mine was doing only 71, and it was just. In fact Quest was only other headset (apart from OG Vive, and Pimax) which I could use.


@Heliosurge my hardware IPD can got to 75mm?

They can advertise a lot but that doesn’t mean it works (for everybody). So thats why I’m asking.They can advertise a lot but that doesn’t mean it works (for everybody). So thats why I’m asking.

So the hardware ipd adjusts to 75? Been awhile thought the mechanical ipd went from 60 to 72 with the “Self Adaption” being advertised “55 to 75”

I see the 8K having specs which state 75, but I haven’t heard from folks with 74 or 75 mentioning if it does indeed work fine.

Apart from that, I do not know about any other headset with such big IPD

Yeah which is why VR is quite annoying with stuff like these. I don’t get it really, with lots of headsets I see there’s more space for the glasses to go but they don’t implement it. I see it as a big downside for massive VR adoption because its also something they hardly talk about in advertisements

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Well I think @hooligander adjustment speaks well as it only physically moves to 73.8 so likely a variance as am sure my og 8k capped out at 72. But agreed it could still work well for your ipd but need others with similar wide ipd.

Wide ipd is likely more compatible vs a Narrow ipd. However I recall Lucky Palmer more or less being put out of using a Rift S due to it not supporting his ipd.

If the world wasn’t in Quarrantine I’d reccommend going somewhere like MRTV headquarters and give one a hands on try.

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Honestly at the end of the day this will be the only commercial VR headset you could use. Sure you can try one on, but without true seat time it would be hard to make judgement. Esspecially with pimax that has so many fine tune adjustments.

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I confirm I can’t reach sweetspot on a Rift S, just like Palmer. Tbh I tried on an Oculus Go, the Rift S uses the same lenses.


It would be interesting to hear directly from Lucky his thoughts on pimax with ipd range and such.


Yep, I remember he received his backer model late 2018. It’d be cool to have his review for new model but I think his new company takes his timen especially during lockdown ^^


That still leaves the question whether the 5K is fine for me or whether I should go for the 8K instead. I’d rather not get an expensive device if I don’t need to.

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This might be the answer. Question comes down to SDE and other Features weighing. The 5k+ and 8k+ have the same input res and ipd range.

Headset Input Res Refresh Rate FoV Options
5k+ 2×2560×1440 60 - 144 Tiny/sml/Norm/Lrg
8k+ 2×2560×1440 60 - 110 Tiny/Sml/Norm/Lrg

5k+ Pros:

  • Higher Refresh Options
  • Native Resolution (Sharper Picture)
  • Lower Price


  • Larger Pixels & SDE

8k+ Pros:

  • Reduced SDE
  • smaller pixels


  • Costs more
  • slightly soften picture due to upscaling.
  • 110hz mode not implemented yet.

Many only use Normal FoV vs Large which has a bit more distortion. The Artisan has slightly smaller FoV to Normal but atm only has up to 120hz Refresh and slightly less RES than 5k+. But more cost friendly and has good reviews; many even state it seems better than 5k+.


You’ll NEVER reach 74 ipd with hardware solutions, this affirmation is true for any headset, any brand.
72 is the maximum on Rift CV1, Quest, Vive and Pimax (I didn’t try Index).
But maybe you can grab a bit if the sweetspot is large enough. You must test by yourself before purchasing anything.

Most WMR and Rift S don’t have any ipd setting, you can forget them.


This might be the answer. Question comes down to SDE and other Features weighing. The 5k+ and 8k+ have the same input res and ipd range.

I know the differences and I don’t really care for the higher res of the 8K, but I do care if it works for me or not. Because thats the main dealbreaker and I’ve yet to see folks respond who have it with a high IPD.

You’ll NEVER reach 74 ipd with hardware solutions

But the 8K is advertised with 75mm IPD in its specifications. Do you mean that it can’t reach that? And the 5K as well? The 5K doesn’t have any specific IPD mentioned, though I do see 73 pop up from time to time.

The original advertisement is Self Adaption 55 to 75mm. Self Adaption means you might adapt.

With the exception of @hooligander’s post on 73.8mm generally the mechanical spec is 72mm with possible variance to 73.8 maybe 74.

It’s unfortunate to have a really narrow or really wide ipd.

Artisan, 5kes and 8k all share the same ipd range. They all share core mechanical design.

With the soft ipd offsets you might be okay.

Best suggestion would be to wait til after Corona is under control and see if you can check one out somewhere.

Otherwise order through Amazon try it out and return if not suitable


Here is a post where @SweViver states the mechanical range. They shouldn’t be using self adaption in marketing.