I like to spend time with my new 8K.
I will say even more: I have been extremely immersed in the past 2 weeks in the big FOV, I have been dragged in there, it gives me joy and pleasure.
But it is time to make a final comparison. (And now there will be no discussion of FOV. C FOV everything great for me in Pimax and everything else I like about it. But now it’s about resolution)
Before 8K, I had: Pimax 4K, Rift CV1, Samsung Odyssey, Lenovo Explorer.
Lenovo explorer has become for me the last six months the best headset, because it provides the best picture in terms of resolution, pixel density, and so on. In it, I was able to more or less normally get to auto-simulators, watch videos, and so on. (I have already made a comparison of Lenovo with Odyssey https://community.openmr.ai/t/nov-2-2018-5k-8k/9832/85?u=century)
Nevertheless, 1440x1440 RGB in one eye does not eliminate the visibility of SDE. It is still present, it is noticeable, all the same lack of higher definition and resolution. (although this is better than other headsets)
What am I leading to?
When we took part in Kickstarter Pimax 8K, we hoped that he would have the quality of the resolution at the level of Pimax4K, thanks to the built-in 4K panels for each eye.
As a result, the quality of the Pimax 8K resolution is clearly not consistent with the Pimax 4K, it is worse than the P4K, SDE is still there. (Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the quality of the resolution of the panels is definitely not worse than other headsets. It is one of the best, definitely).
In order to finally determine and understand for myself, I compared the 8K to Lenovo Explorer in terms of image quality (excluding FOV) very long and hard.
I compared them face to face in the same applications and games, taking pictures through the lens. I want to share my result.
Comparison. SteamVR
Comparison. Games
Comparison 3D-Video.
Comparison 2D-Video.
Or download all the photos in one archive:
[ Yes, I want to immediately say that all the pictures were taken on the camera of my mobile phone. I understand this non-professional method. Nevertheless, it gives me the opportunity to determine the difference in image quality, at least for myself ]
I definitely can’t pick a winner here.
My opinion is that the Pimax 8K (3840x2160) in image quality (clarity, SDE) is approximately equal to Lenovo Explorer (1440x1440). (plus / minus 1-2%, as well as a different pixel pattern. Yes, it is worth noting that SDE is still less noticeable in 8K than in Lenovo)
Why is it, I have 2 versions.
- Using 4K panels with a PenTile pattern with 2 subpixels. From here and correspondence to 2,5k screens on density.
- That’s not a 4K panel, but something like 3440x1440 (so it’s better a little bit than 5K +)
And I would really like to clarify with Pimax. Will we be able to somehow switch to 8K-X when it is born? Is it possible to replace our 8K with a new 8K-X?
Will real 4K RGB panels in 8K-X, and not such as the 8K?
It interests me very much, because by and large I like the Pimax 8K. The only thing that does not suit me is only the resolution, and this is a very, very big and important point. So I would like to know if I can count on the Pimax in the future? Still, we got not quite what we expected in terms of resolution. In all other respects, I like everything, the Pimax did a good job.
(Well, why, why it was impossible to put normal 4K panels in 8K, and not those that look like penTile? It will be very interesting to find out the labeling of the panels. I hope someday someone will disassemble 8K and take a picture.)
If we take into account the FOV and all the other advantages of 8K, then it is definitely the winner among all existing headsets today.
But It comes to me the realization that, in spite of all the advantages, it’s nevertheless that clarity, resolution, and then FOV and everything else comes first to me.
So I need to know, will we ever get 8K-X? What is the timeline? Will there be any benefits / exchange / upgrade 8K for 8K-X for us?
At the moment I really want a higher resolution. I think the new WMR 2160x2160 headset will be a breakthrough ss in terms of clarity and resolution, SDE. They will definitely give a new level, if everything there really corresponds to the declared parameters.
Therefore, I want to know my perspectives with Pimax.
My full review on the Pimax 8K: