Ok here we go. Opinion Time. I think while HLA is good and sets the AAA high bar for presentation and polish Its not as great as you make it seem. Hear me out… again OPINION ALERT
Not really. The way this game was designed it seems that each tiny area was developed by a separate team, because of this the levels feel far more linear and bite sized as compared to standard Half life where you could literally get lost for a bit. And each section feels a bit like a closed area.
When I first started HLA i was scared that I only had two pockets to hold things. But the more I played I realized not to worry because in each area(gameplay hubs) everything you need to survive is right there to survive and refill your health and ammo for the next one.
If there’s an encounter you may get to near death but there will always be one of those health machines in the same area. ( and only one) and if you see one of these I guarantee you there is a worm battery very close by ( and only one).
Again no, due to the Room Escape design approach I mentioned earlier, everything you need to “get over there” is usually within eyesight. Like oh there’s a locked door with a zombie behind it and a mail slot (which may as well have a place grenade here sign pointing at it) , maybe I need to through grenades in there (i’m making this up as to avoid spoilers), if only I had some. (turns 90 degrees .oh how convenient I’m standing right in front of a grenade dispenser in a subway ? what? how convenient.
Where to start with this one. I was a little let down by this to be honest. I’ve always felt that the finger tracking on the index was a little gimmicky. But HL-A did nothing to sway this opinion. The only thing you can do with the index is crush cans and accidently squeeze grenades exploding your crotch in the process. I have played this with touch controllers and will say I actually prefer the way those feel . (especially since I have mamut grips, copying the knuckle controllers BEST feature)
Other than that there are some odd design decisions that I guess are ok, but kind of immersion breaking. The following arent that big of a deal as a modder could probably change it.
The way that you constantly have to pick up resin and through it over your shoulder. Pretty annoying/tiring after a while I would have preferred putting them to the waist as if I had a fanny pack. (Like Asgard’s Wrath)
Ove shoulder should be reserved for big guns and pistols should be on your hips like every other VR game. The menu system is usable for sure but I prefer the realness of sticking things to my body. Like grenades off of the chest.
I also don’t like how you cant use both hands anytime you want. Seems like a cardinal sin.
mmmmm I would say that was Asgard’s Wrath. That game blows me away i’m 60 hours in and no end in sight. I love the sound track to and have added it to my collection in spotify right next to Baldur’s Gate and Diablo OST and Streets of Rage etc:) The game has so many facets no part feels unpolished. Its clear that at least these guys worked on this game as if they were making a AAA title and were paid to do so. Walking Dead S & S also has AAA written all over it.
Anyway…that’s just like my opinion man. HLA is still one of the best games in VR, top 5 for sure, but I don’t think it’s undisputed champion.