Backers who don't have receive HMD or Tracking number

Hi, here backer 68##.
My HMD is to overseas warehouse til…1/7/19
No tracking number yet.
Survey seemed to have been ok till first try in december. (If not, i would’nt be on spreadsheet :wink: )
Nothing new…

I know i’m not the only one in this case and i create this topic only for this problem.
We are almost there but we can say "not for all… "

So this topic is to help, tell, give ideas or anything about tracking number, shipping exprience and tips to help.

So would be nice to see in comments
your backing number hight
(not the complete number of course but an estimation),
the country and the status in last spreadsheet before remarks

Maybe it can be better to go into one topic instead of the whole forum :wink:
Not only for backers, but also for @pimax @PimaxUSA @Pimax-Support .

That can help them also to have a more global vision maybe
Thanks, hope it helps
(From belgium here, hope it helps also poor UK backers to feel not alone lol :wink: )

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Backer 60## here, also no tracking number yet.
I’m in the Netherlands and the last remark in the spreadsheet is ‘shipping to overseas warehouse’. Also submitted a support ticket (3 weeks ago, no reply yet)
I’m getting worried as pre-order customers have their tracking number and are being delivered this week.

I thought Pimax promised that all backers would receive their units before anyone else?
@anon74848233 @Matthew.Xu Has something gone wrong?

5k+ backer in the 50## range still no tracking no . I have sent a heap of messages to @anon74848233 with no response . I guess I should be getting a tracking no any day now .

5K+ Backer from Texas. No: 678X. Also states “shipping to overseas warehouse”. I signed up for UPS alerts, but nothing so far. I had previously gotten an Email from Pimax stating the had received the survey and would ship it out soon Just waiting more now.Will have bad weather delays here in the US as well.

backer 2xxx here. tracking no? i’m still build…^^

5k plus backer from Australia 61## no responses no tracking number nothing. @anon74848233 it’d be good to just update the spreadsheet since last time i was in overseas wherehouse roughly 800ish. Its so close to being finished for us kickstarter backer itd be a shame to be pushed so far away while preorders will soon get priority.

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Backer 67xx No tracking yet. Any news out of HK warehouse Dallas?

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8k backer #19xx still in building state