Backer Update Plan "discounts", pardon me? Open letter to Pimax

Hi @Matthew.Xu, @PimaxUSA, @PimaxVR I really need to ask if this update plans are meant serious.

As a 8K onlly backer (plus one base station added separately during campaign) I am eligible for update plan D which would grant me 200,- off list (well even all plans boil down to that). IF even so, because the shop is very ambiguopus about the audio strap situation. While @SweViver and @PimaxUSA stated in the video it would be included, here it rather seems one has to add it for 100,- which boils down to 100,- off.

Anyway, apparently you deem keeping the audio strap worth 100,-, but wait, there is a 100,- voucher for the wireless system, a face cushion, prescription glass frame, fan, 3 pieces of content - one doesn’t have to have a degree in math to see at glance that’s MORE worth than the discount you offering! Plus, the remaining stuff was promised to ship for free (although I wasked asked to add shipping when I upped my pledge with one base station you also still owe me)

Long story short: It was until today I was firmly considering updating to 8KX and selling my 8K after having reived, but with this offer I feel, no, i KNOW I am way (!) better off to hold on and since you are shipping everything in December that’s part of the 8KX to receive my stretch goals in timely manner (speak 2019), get the Eyetracking when/if it arrives, keepo my 100,- voucher for the wireless system. AND then I may look into getting the 8KX and sell the old 8K with the new strap received with the 8KX and the second cushion fitted so it’s as good as new. IF and only so the reviews would justify for this and also with a BIG maybe, because after all this I am no longer convinced I actually do want to support this project with it’s long list of broken promises and doubtful decisions.

Sorry to say, but I’m afraid you really shot yourself in the foot with this, only people unable to add 1 and 1 (or 100 and 100) woudlseriously consider the update path. That this is based on screwed math is only emphasized that you offere the exact same discount you deem your early backers worth to after market customersof the regular headset who have NOTHING to give up.

But I as a backer I shall give up more than the discopunt actually is?

That really speaks for itself and how much respect you have for those who believed in you and gave you their money when all you had was a vision.

Thank you so much for this.

Yours truly disappointed.


Yup, Really these are not discounts at all. They are just taking the “Value” of the backer stretch goals and the downgrade credit off the MSRP of these HMD’s (Though there is an extra $100 “discount” thrown in for 8kX) The value of these stretch goals changes based on the plan you choose too. While I appreciate that pimax reduced the price of the eye trackers to $100 its odd that its value is only $50 when the full version for non backers is $200 (One tracker should be worth $100 then?)
Also the prices of the new HMD’s seem inflated and will probably come down in price in a few months.
While pimax has 0 requirement to give backers discounts on the new HMD’s it would have been a nice gesture and obviously get more backers to buy and talk about them.

Missed opportunity and good will to the people who believed in the company an actually put their money were their mouth was.


I have also brought up these points before.


The Owner Upgrade Plan Option was banned for backers by the management last night. See my post in the linked thread