Auto Sleep and blinking front light band

can we have an option to disable the light band at the front, and is there some clarification on auto-sleep on the display, when does it happen, seemed to happen once just now, I was under the impression there would be a sensor like rift CV1, i remember asking sweviver that even before the berlin meetup, so sure he said it would be automatic based on sensor

Light band control is supposedly coming. The sensor was removed it not goes to sleep based on a lack of motion via the internal gyro.

will there be a way to adjust the sensitiviy of the sensor, I type hard and basically it switches itself on/off a lot due to this, it just does this every 5 minutes, on then off due to this.


They haven’t said anything but people have asked.

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Unfortunately nothing implemented yet. Blinking chevron means Parallel projections on.

To shut off power button. I unplug wall psu to ensure it stays off.

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That’s a good idea. I think I’ll connect it to the same switchable outlet I’ve plugged my base station into. That way I can turn them both on or off at the same time.