Audio headstrap Stretch Goal - Questions

The audio headstrap looks awesome and promising, but I dont understand the 1000 usd unlock (in todays Stretch goal email). Does it mean the total pledge needs to be 1000usd or more to receive the audio headstrap as well? I that 1000 usd including shipping cost?

In my first pledge, I pledged 849 usd (full 8k early bird set + 100 for hand tracking) plus 52 usd shipping, which is totally 901 usd. Do i need to add 99 usd more or 151 usd more to get the audio headstrap as well in my pledge?

Thanks im advance

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Think it means the goal has already been reached and that the headstrap will be included as a gift for reaching 1mil.


That is exactly what I read. it is not 1000USD it is $1,000,000USD Goal. re-read the email.


Ooooh i see haha, I read it totally wrong haha, I thought this was an addon just like the hand tracking unit, sorry for my confusion and thanks a lot for the fast replies guys! This sounds even more awesome now! :slight_smile: