Try this - its almost as sharp as original AC ( a bit better than my PC2) Tryied full race Nurburging with 30 cars in rain - stable 60/120 frames. No AA is only the option to get sharpness and some other modification in json.
Set PT 1.0 ,120hz , normal FOV with SM on and FFR on ( conservative) or if dont have RTX just skip FFR
SteamVR SS -140 % ( or if you dont want or have FFR set 120%)
Copy/replace text below at menuSettings.json ( documents/ ACC/Config
This lines are at the end of json file.
“lastLoadedPresetName”: “”,
“x”: 2560,
“y”: 1440
“useFullscreen”: false,
“useTripleScreen”: false,
“hmdWorldToMeters”: 100,
“useHDROutput”: false,
“fpsCapUI”: true,
“mirrorQualityLevel”: 1,
“maxCarsVisible”: 16,
“isMBlurEnabled”: 0,
“motionBlurLevel”: 1,
“isAATemporal”: false,
“aACustom”: 0,
“colorSaturation”: 1,
“sharpen”: 1.1000000238418579,
“pixelDensity”: 1,
“hDROverride”: 0,
“hDROutputDevice”: 5,
“hDRColorGamut”: 2,
“hDRUICompositeMode”: 1,
“hDRUILevel”: 1,
“hDRImageContrastOffset”: 0.20000000298023224,
“hDRExposureGainOffset”: 0.34999999403953552,
“mirrorDistance”: 2000,
“advancedSharpenFilter”: true,
“materialsQuality”: 2,
“temporalUpsampling”: false,
“volumetricFog”: 0,
“bloomLevel”: 0.10000000149011612,
“bloomQuality”: 3,
“mirrorsResolution”: 0,
“cameraDirtLevel”: 2.2999999523162842,
“foliageLodQuality”: 0.30000001192092896,
“whiteBalance”: 9300,
“carLODSet”: 50,
“hLODEnabled”: false,
“colorScheme”: 1,
“imageExposureGain”: 0.39999997615814209,
“imageContrast”: 0.5,
“useTriplePP”: true,
“useLegacyTonemapper”: false,
“shadowDistanceQuality”: 0,
“gfxPreset”: 4
“resolutionQuality”: 100,
“viewDistanceQuality”: 1,
“antiAliasingQuality”: 0,
“shadowQuality”: 1,
“postProcessQuality”: 1,
“textureQuality”: 2,
“effectsQuality”: 1,
“foliageQuality”: 3,
“mirrorQualityLevel”: 1,
“maxCarsVisible”: 16,
“isAATemporal”: false,
“aACustom”: 0,
“pixelDensity”: 1,
“mirrorDistance”: 2000,
“advancedSharpenFilter”: true,
“materialsQuality”: 2,
“temporalUpsampling”: false,
“volumetricFog”: 0,
“bloomLevel”: 0.10000000149011612,
“bloomQuality”: 3,
“mirrorsResolution”: 0,
“foliageLodQuality”: 0.30000001192092896,
“carLODSet”: 50,
“hLODEnabled”: false,
“shadowDistanceQuality”: 0,
“frameLimit”: 0,
“isMBlurEnabled”: 0,
“colorSaturation”: 1,
“sharpen”: 1.4000000238418579,
“cameraDirtLevel”: 2.2999999523162842,
“whiteBalance”: 9300,
“imageExposureGain”: 0.39999997615814209,
“imageContrast”: 0.5,
“hmdWorldToMeters”: 100,
“fpsCapUI”: true,
“useLegacyTonemapper”: false,
“hDRColorGamut”: 2,
“hDRUILevel”: 1
“customDriverInfoNames”: []
( tested @ Strix RTX 2080 Ti and i7 8700k 4.8Ghz)
@SweViver Please test this great sim with Pimax 8kx