Assetto Corsa Competizione - Pimax 5k+/8k Settings

I followed this guide… Read the comments also.

If you have better specs, you can push it further. Read the comments as well. There’s an edit for the engine.ini file that helps VR graphically as well.
If you follow this guide, you should get 90fps
Resolution has to be 80% and VR pixel density I did 140%, SteamVR 100% (this is for my Valve Index so in your case you may have to keep PiTool at 1.0 as well… sorry I havent tried ACC in my pimax 5k+ in a while, but this guide is what i used for my pimax as well)

Solved video ram issue. I’m trying many different settings, need to dig deeper - .ini maybe. Hate this distance blurr but good news is that FFR is working with Pimax on my Strix RTX 2080Ti

Yata - I just run it PiTool 1.25, SteamVR Video Auto and App 100% with in game at 100% SS.

It runs well enough on my 2080. Any increase in App or in game SS will lead to horrible performance. SteamVR Vid SS is around the 44% mark. Will use it more when I get home and have the wheel set up. Game Pad driving with thumb steering sucks LOL.

Yes I had this setup from very begining but was to blurry for me, looking for distance sharpness. Meybe we can add some lines like in Project Cars 2 to get there:

prop name=“SharpeningStrength” sharpeningstrength=“1.100000” />
prop name=“SharpeningClamp” sharpeningclamp=“0.045000” />
prop name=“OffsetBias” offsetbias=“4.000000” />

If you can get the distance view sharper, let me know. That’s the biggest issue for me. I hated that.

Using the 8K distance sharpening depended very much on how much you could drive the SS values for rendering. More the merrier. I would assume this will also be the case with the 8KX but it will be better due to the native signal (4K per eye less what is needed for Pimax VR setup arrangements) and better screens.

With FFR and high SS targets - I didn’t mind as the center view was clearer and the periphery was a soft blur not much different than what the lenses gave anyway. I must test it with ACC.

I’ll try with the 8K X as well when it arrives, as it’ll be my primary headset then.
I hated FFR. I dont like the way it blurs the sides. I just built a new PC also and the distance was impossible for me to get clear. 9900KS, 2080Ti, 32gb DDR-4000 CL18 - all overclocked, and still I’d prefer driving on a monitor in ACC.

See how you go with the 8KX. I played around with it. Seemed happier without FFR as it was being weird with it on but also setting Video option in game to VR High seemed to work well. Not monitor sharp but fluid with Large FOV. Clear enough to see corner and braking markers which is all I care about.

I was at the NYC meetup tried the 8K X also. The computer specs werent that great, but the one that had P3D on it looked great with some minor stutter (it had a 6600K in it).
Ye i had it at 90fps but its just the image isnt what I wanted. I’d rather have it much sharper than what it was.

Try this - its almost as sharp as original AC ( a bit better than my PC2) Tryied full race Nurburging with 30 cars in rain - stable 60/120 frames. No AA is only the option to get sharpness and some other modification in json.

Set PT 1.0 ,120hz , normal FOV with SM on and FFR on ( conservative) or if dont have RTX just skip FFR
SteamVR SS -140 % ( or if you dont want or have FFR set 120%)

Copy/replace text below at menuSettings.json ( documents/ ACC/Config
This lines are at the end of json file.

“lastLoadedPresetName”: “”,
“x”: 2560,
“y”: 1440
“useFullscreen”: false,
“useTripleScreen”: false,
“hmdWorldToMeters”: 100,
“useHDROutput”: false,
“fpsCapUI”: true,
“mirrorQualityLevel”: 1,
“maxCarsVisible”: 16,
“isMBlurEnabled”: 0,
“motionBlurLevel”: 1,
“isAATemporal”: false,
“aACustom”: 0,
“colorSaturation”: 1,
“sharpen”: 1.1000000238418579,
“pixelDensity”: 1,
“hDROverride”: 0,
“hDROutputDevice”: 5,
“hDRColorGamut”: 2,
“hDRUICompositeMode”: 1,
“hDRUILevel”: 1,
“hDRImageContrastOffset”: 0.20000000298023224,
“hDRExposureGainOffset”: 0.34999999403953552,
“mirrorDistance”: 2000,
“advancedSharpenFilter”: true,
“materialsQuality”: 2,
“temporalUpsampling”: false,
“volumetricFog”: 0,
“bloomLevel”: 0.10000000149011612,
“bloomQuality”: 3,
“mirrorsResolution”: 0,
“cameraDirtLevel”: 2.2999999523162842,
“foliageLodQuality”: 0.30000001192092896,
“whiteBalance”: 9300,
“carLODSet”: 50,
“hLODEnabled”: false,
“colorScheme”: 1,
“imageExposureGain”: 0.39999997615814209,
“imageContrast”: 0.5,
“useTriplePP”: true,
“useLegacyTonemapper”: false,
“shadowDistanceQuality”: 0,
“gfxPreset”: 4
“resolutionQuality”: 100,
“viewDistanceQuality”: 1,
“antiAliasingQuality”: 0,
“shadowQuality”: 1,
“postProcessQuality”: 1,
“textureQuality”: 2,
“effectsQuality”: 1,
“foliageQuality”: 3,
“mirrorQualityLevel”: 1,
“maxCarsVisible”: 16,
“isAATemporal”: false,
“aACustom”: 0,
“pixelDensity”: 1,
“mirrorDistance”: 2000,
“advancedSharpenFilter”: true,
“materialsQuality”: 2,
“temporalUpsampling”: false,
“volumetricFog”: 0,
“bloomLevel”: 0.10000000149011612,
“bloomQuality”: 3,
“mirrorsResolution”: 0,
“foliageLodQuality”: 0.30000001192092896,
“carLODSet”: 50,
“hLODEnabled”: false,
“shadowDistanceQuality”: 0,
“frameLimit”: 0,
“isMBlurEnabled”: 0,
“colorSaturation”: 1,
“sharpen”: 1.4000000238418579,
“cameraDirtLevel”: 2.2999999523162842,
“whiteBalance”: 9300,
“imageExposureGain”: 0.39999997615814209,
“imageContrast”: 0.5,
“hmdWorldToMeters”: 100,
“fpsCapUI”: true,
“useLegacyTonemapper”: false,
“hDRColorGamut”: 2,
“hDRUILevel”: 1
“customDriverInfoNames”: []

( tested @ Strix RTX 2080 Ti and i7 8700k 4.8Ghz)

@SweViver Please test this great sim with Pimax 8kx :slight_smile:


Are you using motion smoothing?

yes ( 20 characters)

I dont like motion smoothing. Either way, i’m using the valve index til the 8K X arrives. I put my 5k+ away til then

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I had it @90fps stable with steamvr 100~110% but it works only with practice or time attack without other cars on track. Race in rain condition with 30 cars is another story. Montion smoothing is very playable in this game and it gives you even better looking picture becouse nivelate a bit shimmering. Very demanding game but I love it - huge step up in racing sims and all my telemetry and FFB devices works fantastic.