Artisan Unboxing

Hey guys
After several days (2 weeks actually) of delay, there is my Artisan unboxed !
I am testing it right now with several games, already did Assetto Corsa, Project Cars 2, Dirt 1&2.
And let me tell you that I really like it.
I will now fly with it :slight_smile:
Hope you enjoy this small unboxing video in french&english
Review ones will be french and english separate videos.


Hi. I just wanted to say I enjoy your YouTube content very much.


Hello Joe, thank you very much for watching :pray::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Anyone else here find it disturbing that the amount of time between officially announcing the headset at CES (so mid January) to the product arriving at peoples doorstep was about 2-3 weeks?

If only every Pimax launch was this smooth.


I did notice indeed and if the 8KX gets a similar delivery schedule then I might even believe Pimax sorted something out here. Less promised and more deliveries.


I am using Big Screen Beta and this is very good in the Artisan (Actually I am recording this :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Welcome to the 5K+ level :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well, according to this

and my experience of the Rift S, it is even better since I find it better than the Rift S and here Rift S looks better than the 5k+ . ^^

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Now check about the SDE, ok it is dark, taken with a microscope camera for iron welding but look at this beautiful SDE.
Space between pixels is ridiculous :+1:


So for you Artisan it’s Better than 5k+?
The FoV Is like Normal of 5k+?
About black and colors looks Better?


If think so yes, it is better except it doesnt have the very large FoV and sharpness is probably slightly better.
Yes FoV is the same as the normal, it is even the name of it in Pitool, it have Small and Normal.
Blacks are not bad but colors could maybe be better, kind of washed off, but like most lcd panels.


@Ludiks Fais gaffe, t’as pas signé de nda, tu vas te faire fusiller :grin::grin::grin:
Trève de plaisanteries, je pensais qu’ils auraient au moins mis la nouvelle interface faciale histoire d’uniformiser la production.


Alors j’ai eu l’info peu de temps après avoir mis ma vidéo en ligne mais les Artisans sont à présent fourni avec le kit confort ! Justement rien signé je suis peinard :stuck_out_tongue: dfaçons ils sont sortis hein, c’est pas comme si Pimax m’avait envoyé un casque lol, je l’ai payé.

Oh yes btw, I had the info right after releasing this video, the Artisan serie will have the Comfort Kit included now.


Big screen beta has a very mediocre picture quality. (therefore an unlucky reference for shots) As I already covered that a year ago in my abandoned VR player thread.
It‘s free…ok…but that‘s about it.
Virtual Desktop and Vorpx look faaar better.
Nice to see that mirage came to the same conclusion and even pointed at another software that I’ll need to check which is probably even sharper than Virtual Desktop.

Mediocre is maybe a bit exagerated.
With the Artisan I can do whatever I want actually, editing videos, browsing internet…scalping cryptocurrencies without any reading issues.
I really wonder how image quality could be better, really.
Desktop icons looks better maybe…but texts and videos are crystal clear and sharp.
And anyways yes it is free but you should maybe give it a try…dont know they maybe updated it and you missed that.
But no way can say it is mediocre or there is something wrong in your settings it looks better in the headset than what I recorded when displayed on screen actually.
Or this Artisan is really amazing? :stuck_out_tongue: but it is actually quite good yes


Thanks for the first impressions. Im under the same impression. And Artisan seems to have slightly better SDE than 5K+.

Contrast +2 and Brightness -2 or -3 makes it way better I think.


Yes, this is a very good headset !
Thank you, I will give this a try asap.


The same as normal 120hz or the same as normal 90hz?

Because in the 5k+ Normal 120hz is smaller than 90hz and that would probably be a deal breaker for me but if it was the same size as normal 90hz then the Artisan would be a winner IMO.

Also can you say something about the framing as this is very important to me. Does the framing of the normal FOV in the Artisan have round sides or does it have flat sides (this would include flat sides with round corners)?

This is also very important to me as I hate the framing with flat sides but I love the round sides framing as it is like wearing a racing helmet.

If the Artisan has the same FOV as 90hz in the 5k+ with round sides to the image and less screen door I would not hesitate to recommend it to people. At that point I think I might agree with people who suggest Pimax should perhaps drop the 5k+ and just keep the Artisan. If the FOV is only as big as 120hz in the 5k+ or if the image has flat sides I would not be interested in the Artisan at all and I would not be able to recommend it to others as it would be something I would not want to use myself.

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The same as normal 90hz.
I measured it with my extra foam that make me lose some fov and I found 130° with the stock facepad it is 140° horizontaly.
I mostly use Normal FoV on my 8k since I have it and it is the same.
Actually it is better because there is almost no distortion on the edges of the lenses.
Even with normal FoV there are some on my 8k, which does not bother me but on the Artisan it is really improved.
Frame on the side are round just like on other headsets.
I am pretty sure they could enlarge it a bit, to something like 150 or 145 with flat sides.

I said even before the CES that Artisan is going to be the top seller of Pimax.
I am pretty sure about this now.

Not even mentionning the fact that it will probably reach 160hz or at least 144 (I have absolutly no source for this).


I just noticed that I already tried to change this a bit, was at +2 contrat and -1 bright but indeed -3 looks much better. :+1:

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