Artisan bundle with headset, comfort kit and headphones?

Sweviver said recently that including the comfort kit on Artisan models would be considered, but we haven’t heard anything else regarding this. Can we get an update on whether Artisan headsets will indeed include the comfort kit or not?

Since its been confirmed to be included in the nolo bundle, @PimaxQuorra will the earphones come with the lighthouse bundle and the standalone artisan headset as well?

If not, is it possible to add this purchase option of Artisan HMD and earphones with comfort kit to the store for $499 or less?

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Hello Mantidtings,

Thank you for the topic again! We do appreciate that, we found out quite a number of similar posts, and we did forward this to the management team. Soon we will able to make a clear statement on this Artisan model. Please kindly stay tune.

Sorry that we can’t make any promise or make decision here, as we don’t have the rights to do so.
But we will do our job to forward all the feedbacks to the team that benefit us!



No problem @PimaxQuorra thanks for the reply!

I would strongly suggest that the earphones are included in the lighthouse bundle as well (otherwise people may complain or ask questions why include the earphones in the Nolo bundle, but not the more expensive lighthouse bundle?)

Additionally, I think it would be in Pimax’s interests to offer the Nolo and Lighthouse bundles with the comfort kit and earphones included, and an option to buy the artisan headset standalone with the earphones and comfort kit for $499 or even $530 if $499 is not possible.

Considering Index comes with a comfortable headstrap and audio for $500 I think Pimax will have a very hard time to compete with Index if Artisan is not offered for $499 with earphones and the comfort kit (as the MAS is incompatible)


MAS Is incompatibile?

The MAS should be compatible with 5k+, 5k-XR, Artisan, 8k, 8k+, 8k-X if I’m not badly mistaken.


Hello Marco,

It’s compatible with all models except 4K.

Have a nice day.



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