Apara Micro Oled HMD Discussion

Imagine if it was DecaGear :rofl: :rofl:

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BoboVR put this image out and been leaking it everywhere they can. Maybe it might be the new HMD coming? They just posted this a few days ago.

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Originally I said that looks like something for Project Cambria/Quest 2 Pro, but I’m not so sure anymore as it seems like that won’t have a removeable headband, but that picture from Bobo clearly has the usual arms with speakers that the Quest 2 has. Quite confusing tbh, maybe this new Pico headset ripped off that design? Although that would be a bit surprising as they like to do the battery in the back thing for weight distribution, although if it truly is a Quest 2 competitor then keeping costs down as much as possible would be important, so switching to a design like Quest 2 without anything on the back of the headset strap would make sense.

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LOL I wan going to say that at first, but removed it because it was too far fetched. :joy:

Oh man…lolol

Can we all agree Deca swindled a lot of people out of $10? :rofl:

I really don’t think that was their intention tbf, but yeah doubt I’m ever seeing that tenner again lol.

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8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pico Neo 3 Link Discussion

So if this news is true, buying the Arpara may have been a mistake

Report: Meta Quest 2 Pro May Contain High-Res Mini-LED & Slim Design (roadtovr.com)


I bought the arpara for high rest OLED PCVR, with comfort as a bonus. I don’t think the Cambria competes with that tbh, it is still lower res than even the G2, it won’t have OLED blacks (miniLED backlight may help a lot but we’ve yet to see, look at Varjo with the backlight still not being used). Cambria will also (almost certainly) still have a compressed PCVR video stream.

So for high res PCVR, the Arpara will still beat it out by a significant margin.

However, I’ll definitely be getting the Cambria for productivity and for the mixed reality aspect. If it can act as a monitor replacement for me then I’ll be using it daily for work, having a headset I can wear for 4-6 hours a day for work is one of my main goals and Cambria seems the best suited for that so far. So I think both will have something to offer uniquely.

That said, as a fellow Arpara backer, I still think we’ll find some good reasons that it was a mistake just that Cambria won’t be the reason lol.

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id still take the display port connection tbh,cant stand the quest 2 compression even with wifi 6 and 1gbps or link cable.

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Just get a G2 though, 30% higher res with much better audio and better comfort. I guess if standalone is a big deal for you then that’s nice but the library seems rather limited, although nice for watching movies I suppose.

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A lot if folks will be attracted to being untethered. Sure it has it’s own limits and disadvantages. Truly we need a real wireless solution; it also removes the issues if damaged cables.

But we need something that can give more than the Quest’s solution.

What about this ? Those T-Rex lenses might eat the Arpara for breakfast.


Ah, great point. I think I took that information in and kinda pushed it back out again as unrealistic for Quest 2 pro. I still think it won’t be present in Q2 pro, but rather Q3 pro but hopefully I’m wrong.

The issue is still PCVR compression then though. I think a Native Arpara image might still look much better than the Q2 Pro image. Like the resolution being suggested by TREX (remember it’s not upscaling, you literally need to render the full resolution) is so high that even rendering it is madness for current hardware but without a direct display port connection, I struggle to see how it’ll be good.

If they have dedicated upscaling hardware though…then it might actually be incredible.

I hope it absolutely blows the Arpara out of the water tbh, I’ll gladly buy it then and just sell the Arpara (probably for near what I paid in the kickstarter). I’m thinking Q3 pro is where we’ll really see this stuff like TREX take off, but I’m still not sure how it could translate to a great PCVR experience without a DP connection.


Do you think they will address this? It feels like this “compression over usb” idea was because they never planned to have pc connectivity in the first place with quest. (Im still sore I paid $100 for that cable)

They booked it on because the quest didn’t have the hardware for a real DP connection. Then they doubled down on it to get Airlink working.

Which again, they only added because Guy Godin proved it could be done.

I would hope that now that they see that the quest is a very popular pc headset (Steam Survey) that they would put the hardware back in to just do native DP.

The only reason I could see them not doing this is because:
a. They think the compression is “good enough”
b. They don’t want to waste their R & D efforts getting compression to work.
c. They could care less about PCVR

regarding b. I doubt it, because even if they switch link to DP over usb their efforts in compression would still be used for Airlink. (Arguably where it’s better suited)

I think it’s a combination of a & c.

You are right on the resale value of the Arpara for the first little while.

Unless it pubically bombs once it gets into people’s hands. We got it at a discount so it should make it an easy sell , unless Arpara does the usual BS and opens yet another Crowdfunding campaign after release.

Alot of companies are misusing CF platforms.


It’s not just don’t care, but actively deemphasizing PCVR benefits Meta by pushing more gamers onto Quest native games.

Having the PC link feature is beneficial for drawing in customers. But if that feature happens to degrade PCVR gaming and decrease the advantage it has over Quest native games, all the better.

I’m not suggesting that Meta deliberately gimped their PC link. But I think Meta has zero motivation to put PCVR dedicated hardware features into their products. That Quest 2 is PCVR capable at all is only a side effect. Every move concerning PCVR that Meta has made since releasing the Quest 2 has been in the direction of deemphasizing and moving away from PCVR. Other than providing the PC link so they can bridge gamers to their platform.

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Yeah, I really doubt we’ll see a proper display port implementation. It may, highly unlikely, but it may be possible that they do some sort of wigig add on. I really can’t see them every focusing on PCVR again but it’s not totally out of the question that they could revamp the PC software, bring the experience UI etc more inline with Quest and go for that.

The only reason I think that might at all be a possibility is due to them recently abandoning attempts at making their own OS. So them focusing on being a platform rather than a top to bottom OS could be on the table. I think also for productivity, which Cambria is focused on, they just don’t have the tools necessary on the Quest platform for any serious productivity.

Then again, for productivity you don’t need an uncompressed signal. I would be very very surprised if they add a DP connection, or any uncompressed signal at all (even wigig or such).

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A lot of people getting pretty frustrated at Arpara. Communication has completely dried up, the tethered version hassn’t been mentioned since April, they are selling and shipping in other countries etc. Claims of scam now going around etc.

I understand the supply chain thing is a mess but it does seem like they took the kicksstarter money and used it to market and sell more headdsseets elsewhere rather than deliver on the kickstarter.


I consider my money gone.

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Facebook has de emphasized PC VR since the CV1 was out the door. They actively canceled Oculus’ 2nd generation PC HMD that was ready to go in favor of the Quest, and they lost staff over it. I wish the human emulator zuckerbucks had never bought Oculus.

Renaming Oculus to Meta was the biggest act of self sabotage I think I have ever seen.

Zuxkerberg: “I’m going to take a brand built completely grassroots, built on good will from the community, and I’m going to name it something completely unoriginal.”


an update came out today. seems like tethered is now end of July