Anyone selling there Starvr one?

As the title says, is anyone selling a Starvr one? please PM me with your price :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, why you are interested on the StarVR one.

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I thought about it for a month, I started to learn unity and wanted to create some games but I see they are still developing the unity plugin. I wanna exp. the best horror exp. I don’t wanna play steam vr games with it.

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If you are actually creating a project then you may be able to purchase one officially

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Im still waiting since 3 days, to get an answer :wink:

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thats ok, it took all an all 1 month for most of us to make a purchase. Is normal.


They’re very slow to react. I bought mine on Ebay and about 2 weeks later they replied to my email ‘sure, you can buy one from us’. :slight_smile: And like @VR-TECH says, I’m sure they’ll sell one to you. Keep in mind that the starVR has no physical IPD mechanism and if you’re too far away from 64, you might run into problems. Also the resolution is just way too low. Otherwise it’s an incredible awesome device, the FoV is just so good.


In fairness, my first StarVR One came in defective. Im traveling as we speak and wont be able to test the replacement unit until late November. But from the Unit that StarVR have me test it does looked better than my unit. But mainly because I had Mura problem. Still a very usable headset as long as you develop thinking of the pros of it

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I got a feeling that in future, there will maybe be an updated version but what is your guess? Amoled has great advantages.


The main issue is the optics. If they move into a single lens per eye and higher res, it would be the best Headset on the market for enterprise. It comes down to the budget allocation for further R&D.

Maybe I should get involve in VR hardware development again…or maybe not :sweat_smile:


What exactly is the issue about the optics though? I didnt have the right IPD for it but to me the optics seemed (much much) better than Pimax for examples. Only thing are of course the god rays

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yes please haha, make it the best of them all. one to rule them all HMD!

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after finding my right IPD and setting the vertical offset to 4.5 or 5.5 I get the most immersion on pimax and it was mindblowing for me.

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The main fundamental problem besides the limitation of a mechanical IPD is their stacked lens system. They don’y have a single lens that create enough magnification for that large FOV. The good thing is, they achieved a great FOV, the downside is the blurring or anti-aliased look you get. It does help mitigate some of the screen-door from the lack of resolution, and that is also a good thing. But…it does also gives you a non sharp image when competing with the latest headsets

Even if they were to replace the displays with higher res ones, they should also invest on a single lens system, or… a better stacked system of lenses like the Index. Having said all that, still a very cool and impressive headset.


Hmm I assumed this was because they applied a filter just like the Odyssey+ and/or Index do. The index has stacked lenses too which works great. But you might be right of course. I found the lens design pretty awesome since it was completely distortion free over that extremely large FoV. But if the blurriness indeed is caused by the lens design then they’d definitely need to fix that.

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The Odyssey uses their own proprietary technique. The index is different altogether. Their lenses are well paired to the display in use. One of the reasons I have a bit of an insight on the STVR is because i built similar headsets in the past and had to use the same system of stacked lenses.


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