Anybody got an Oculus Go?

Just wondering if I should buy one for my partners son, he loves my Rift but does not have a computer so it might be a good step into VR for him. Even better if it supports Beat Saber.


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I don’t have one but I’ve heard that the lenses are very good …
Bur the Controller is just 3dof so :tired_face:
I don’t know if it’s a long lasting experience :slight_smile:


I have.
Very usful to watch movie especially netflix.
Tracking is natural and immersive.
There is no distortion or ghosting during head tracking, so image quality is good.
I was attracted to Oculus Go, and I also bought Oculus Rift.
Beat Saber, I have not experienced it yet.


Thanks guys.

@crony is Netflix a fun experience on it? Not even tried that on my Rift. He has a Netflix account but watches most stuff on a little 32" TV

He really loves party games (20yr old with lots of mates in bands etc) so that would interest him too. He also loves photography, traveling the world and painting. I will probably just get it him, he can always EBay it as an unwanted Birthday Gift if needs be.

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