Any specific time or time-frame for the Kickstarter launch next week?

So we are all very excited about the initial Pimax 8k/5k launch on Kickstarter, but are you planning to announce a specific time for the launch, just like HTC did with the firat Vive pre orders? As we all live in different timezones around the world, it may be a good idea to at least have a scheduled time-frame for the launch, so people would know when its time to jump on the train? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance


It will be on Tuesday morning session pacific time.

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Tuesday as in tomorrow? @deletedpimaxrep1

No, it’s Tues…2019!! September.

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Serious. Is the Kickstarter Tom orrow or next week?

Should be today… why overthink it?!

tomorrow (19 Sep), morning in US pacific time - afternoon in west Europe

that means…