Any solution for the ghosting issue?

It makes me dizzy after 10-20 mins…

@Pimax-Support @Doman.Chen @bacon

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This was the reason why i removed the shutter glasses.
you change ghosting with motionblur but more vivid colors and brighter picture.
Imho ghosting is far more annoying.

Some seem to have no ghosting so i wonder if there is a calibration issue (timing of the shutters) with a few % of the headsets…

Ghosting increased after 1.1.92 (used steam render) all Piplays after that one; pimax created their own render.

1.1.92 still had some ghosting but was much better.

We suggested putting in a slider to adjust shudder timings. Still waiting on the team for a fix or implementation of idea.

Please @Heliosurge, can you propose pimax to release “beta-firmware” or beta-piplay to users willing to help in nailing down issues of new features? If the want only for a smal group of “Beta-testers”. I am certain that a few of us would like to help pimax out, try things for them and give feedback - like myself. I would like to see more features in the piplay software and firmware and i am quite sure that pimax do not have the resources right now for that…

A slider more in the piplay-software or button on the headset configurable for example to reset the center of the headset rotation… come on, pimax, give us the feature we want and need.

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There is a topic 4k wishlist. (Try search wishlist)

Unfortunately atm i think the team is mainly focused in getting 5k/8k debugged as the issues of the 4k; we have been waiting a long time for resolution. Sure uptil the Kickstarter they had accomplished alot to improve the 4k. But it seems to be on the backburner. :disappointed_relieved:

There is even a topic “Don’t forget the 4k”

@Pimax-Support can we get some kind of timeline when the team can work on the 4k issues? Mainly ghosting atm i think the community would agree is the top priority on the 4k model.

So much for separate teams working independently.

They were probably pulled away from the 4K to tackle the 5K/8K.

Notice the 8K-X wasn’t mentioned, LOL.

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Hi guys, sorry for inconvenience. It’s little tough for us to further optimize this issue at present as per the current way and project schedule. I will let you guys know once I got any progress in the future.

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Thanks, any chance to release some API of 4k or something like that and let ppl help to optimize or develop third part drivers and firmwares?

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Hi,we will think about that.Thank you.


In short, "those who bought the Pimax 4k has no priority, disposable customers. Very sad to realize this. ;(

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Yes and I’m sure that the 8K will also be put down the priority list when the next best model is slated.
This does not instil confidence in Pimax as a company that values it’s customers.


I’ll get a HTC Vive pro or Samsung Odyssey, whatever is available first in Europe. Pimax8k might look good on the specs paper but it can not be good when it’s made by the same devs that failed that bad on the 4k. After all this time the driver is still worse than it should have been on day one. This company has no qualiy standards and no capable devs. When the high expectation for the 8k from people who have not seen the drama with the 4k meet reality, Pimax will go down in a Shitstorm.


Pimax’s ambition/vision is good but their execution with inferior or non attainable proper hardware combined with software workarounds put them in bad light.

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I lost confidence in this brand.
Too bad, I really believed I was helping a company with great future ahead, and I also believed they were trying to solve the problems and lack of accessories for those customers who bought the 4k. I think I was naive.

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Valve may have the solution for tracking. Just need a reference design then like the Vive tracking puck (might be able to use) could add laser Tracking to any headset & use Valve base stations.

The 4k yeah unfortunately it seems we are stuck til they finish up the 5k/8k unfortunately.

If I had to guess maybe sometime late q2 or early q3 we might see 4k improvements.

I’d prefer to be wrong though & see something sooner with things like shudder timing adjustments to let us try & tweak performance/quality issues.

I just hope Pimax read these comments and realise that they are not doing themselves any favours.
It’s just so difficult to trust this company after the 4K fiasco.

It’s really sad, because the 4K was and still is as far as affordability and resolution is concerned anyway, the best vr unit currently available.