Any 8KX backers downgrade to 5k+ loaner and get a $100 coupon?

In e-mail #32, we got a note that 8K and 8KX backers were eligible to switch from the 8k to a 5k+ and would get a $100 coupon. I was told by a support rep that 8kX backers don’t get the $100 coupon for switching despite what the e-mail said. Anyone else back the 8kx get their $100 coupon for downgrading?


The down grade coupon/credit is for bought headsets not complimentary loaners.

Some 8kX backers opted to buy the loaner during the Kickstarter.

You are an 8kX Backer? If so will update your profile.

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Nah, why would any 8KX backer receive a coupon for downgrading the loaner ? That would be a daft ask. Or he would have to return the 100$ on the day the loaner is to be returned… :laughing:


I’d guess pimax figured that it saved Pimax $100 of store products revenue to manufacture a 5k+ instead of an 8k.
The 5k+ loaners - especially the cracked, black dot pattern, non-120fps first batch like I received aren’t worth as much as the 8k units. So I’d be paying the $200 or $400 to get a significantly worse unit than keeping the 8k.

@Heliosurge - I backed the 8kX - are you saying I’d get $100 off the buy the loaner price, but people who kept the 8k are seeing $100 higher prices?

No some bought the 8k loaner during the Kickstarter by adding 8k headset only price to pledge that backed the 8kX. Those who did were eligible for the $100 downgrade credit.

Plan G was it? You could keep the loaner headset I believe by paying $200 instead of opting to ship the loaner back.

That said those who bought 8k loaner and didn’t downgrade yes did pay more for the loaner than if someone has an 8k loaner and opted to buy it with Plan G.

As one who didn’t back the 8kX and didn’t downgrade my 8k headset. My trade off upgrade if I went for it would be $100 more than a downgrader.

That makes more sense.

So the 8kX keep the loaner (plan G) would be $300/500 for the 8k vs $200/400 for the 5k downgraded?

Also, I backed the 8kX so I’m hoping for the flair (and the headset =) )

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As far as I know the loaner to keep was just 1 advertised price in Was it plan G? Think was just $200?

That’s what I’m wondering about - are people able to buy the 8k loaner at the same price as the 5k loaner?


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Added pimaxquorra to your question.

Paul are you a kickstarter backer?

Yes, backed the 8kX, downgraded to 5k+ loaner

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Added Backer Bling. Thank you :pi_thumbsup:

thanks! it’s so fancy!

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