AMAZING IMMERSION with right IPD/PiTool Settings

I don’t know what it is, but setting my ipd to 61.7 rather than 60, makes the 3D effect better but the world scale larger. But oddly, I feel much more immersed in this larger world scale. It feels like I’m actually there and the most immersed I’ve ever felt in the Pimax 8KX. Which makes me think all the previous world scales I saw were too small. I think the world scale is too small on the Reverb G2 as well. Also when I set ipd offsets back to 0, I felt relief in my eyes.

So I think everyone is different. Right now I’m happy with 61.7, 0 ipd offset and -0.4 vertical offset for the right eye. Keep in mind I’m using the prescription lens adapters in a 3d printed part designed for 65 ipd, rather than 63.

Edit: Although at the same time the world scale still feels a bit too big. So should the ipd offset be positive or negative to make world scale just a bit smaller without losing immersion?


In real life my right eye image is slightly lower than my left, and in VR too. Brain magic fuses the two images so I don’t see double. I tried adjusting the vertical height in Pitool to make the them the same height but it feels very wrong.


This could be due to each eye focusing on the so to speak center of the lense. Or you might have headset tilted slightly for your best fit.

I need to re examine these options as typically I have been fine with defaults.


The world scale is also very important to me to get immersed and it is bigger then one would think in first instance, i often use skyrim to check the scale.
I had the same experience with smaller world scale with the G1 but i thought is was due to the lack of mechanical IPD. Does the scale change if you use it on your G2?


How do you check the scale this way? If your head is not near the top of doorways, is that one sign?

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Yes different thinks you can look for, best for me is standing before different people,houses. Does it feel as in real life? Rooms are good to get a sense of depth, also different squares in Sollitude.
Furniture,doors, clutter etc is less suitable as it’s not accurate in this game.


Do you think that the eye-tracking module would help to create an IPD adjustment software that works automatically?


I also think most Pimax users don’t have the optics aligned as it should be and maybe don’t even know and got used to it. I had almost all major headsets at home or at least on my head except for StarVR One. In direct comparison I always felt the Vive Pro e.g. is much more immersive then any Pimax headset despite the larger FOV and others report similar things.

It took me 2 month to get it right at least with one of my Pimax headsets. It is magic when it happens you feel the presence and immersion kicks in.

However, I cannot understand or follow your guide. In fact there is a fixed focal plane in a VR headset (as long as we do not have light field displays). It is always between 70 cm or 2 meters dependent on the headset defined by lens type, lens and display position. Some headset also have the plane set to infinite (OG Rift, StarVR).

So stereoscopic viewing (two eyes) is required to set the correct convergence to the objects in the VR world. A wall 5 meters or 50 cm away should give you the same level of eye convergence as in real life. The focal plane where your eyes adapt to is however fixed by optics.

Therefore I have no idea how this “only right eye and then only left eye” is useful. In the end you set the settings and test with real world if convergence is same at certain object distances. This however is only working when you have extreme or at least noticeable aberration. Fine tuning is extremely complicated and you will have a different feeling every day you start. Feelings are not a good measure, but that (and experience) is all we have right now until Pimax releases a useful tool.

Other headset manufacturers don’t offer this level of tinkering, but to my experience it is also not required. They are just calibrated correctly for most people out there. I would give up the offset options any day if the headset would just work out of the box correctly.

With my 8KX I needed a 2.5 vertical offset for one eye to be even able to not see double vision or get significant eye strain within some minutes. The screens are not properly aligned on hardware level!

So I think every Pimax headset is unique and I don’t trust the hardware IPD adjustment output info at all. Therefore the level of possibilities in PiTool are a necessity not a feature. It is actually a shame.


I surely do hope so! Maybe not automatically as you would still have to change mechanical IPD but it should tell you to which position. I believe it should also tell you what software offset you should set or maybe even set that automatically for you to get the desired immersion and correct 3d vision. I am still waiting for my eye-tracking unit to come and look forward to all the possibilities it offers and hope they might be fullfilled over time.

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I only tried (and failed?) to write down what I noticed and what my procedure was. I am no optician and don’t know what the cause is, but looking on imagined (!) focal plane far away (like 100 merers) and setting software IPD offsets accordingly did help me to get this immersion by sensing real 3d world for the very first time. I don’t know at what distance fixed focal plane with pimax lenses is, but by setting offsets and IPD to like 3 meters I also got a rather sharp image before and removed eye strain I had before but was still lacking true 3d perception and true 3d scale.

I think Pimax should now its hardware the best and give us some easy understandable guide to set their HMDs best way possible for best experience possible ecen for those who don’t have eye-tracking.

@SweViver said they are already working on such tool.


My eyes IPD is 68mm.
I have measured it at an optician. (I guess I have one of the largest!)

I have set my PSVR to that IPD and I have a wonderful experience there.

Whenever I tried to set my Pimax HMD to 68mm though, I could not get it to reach there using the mechanical adjustment. I had to use the software adjustment as well. However, when I got it to that setting I was getting such an eye strain that it was impossible to use the device. I was forced to lower it. Right now I use my HMD without eye strain at about 63.5 to 64mm IPD.

To me, it seems that the readings are not that accurate. when the HMD says “64mm” it’s closer to 68mm. That makes it hard to adjust the IPD without proper feedback. You can’t tell if you are looking straight or slightly inward though and that’s why I asked for the eye-tracking IPD adjustment solution. That tool would not give a damn about a number. The numbers could be all wrong for all it cared. It would measure your eye and see where it is looking. And it would get it right all the time.

Furthermore, if you got a friend over and used the HMD together, that wouldn’t mess up your settings. You pop the HMD on, run the IPD adjustment software with the eye-tracking and you’re done.

I mean… the possibilities are endless.


@vorinami Great work to get more immersion. The 3D effect is so important.

The problem I aslo experience with the 8KX is the small sweetspot which breaks my immersion. Have you got that problem too?


Everyone has this problem. Pimax needs to redesign the lenses.


I hope you did not get my message as a critics against your post. I just don’t understand the procedure with one eye as it does not seem reasonable to me.

My critic was mainly against Pimax variance for optical alignment and QC/manufacturing procedure. It is sooo important to get this right and Pimax just does not care after 3 years of launching a product (maybe now they release a useful? tool, we will see).

With the XR I found that reducing my 64 IPD to 61.5 minimizes side distortion and eliminates the perceivable black boarder at the inner sides. It also increases stereoscopic overlap.

Now I only need to get the H-Offset right and this is a nightmare!

Is it -0.8 both eyes (seems right for yesterday) is it -0.7R and -0.8L or is it -0.4R and -1.1L? But -1.3 or -1.4 Looks also nice! For every day it is a different perception and solution!

For older Pi-Tools since November 2020 it was not really possible to get perfect alignment. 0.5 steps are too big, and 0.5 on Soft IPD do not the same as 0.5 on the wheel! So decrease 1 mm on the wheel and add 1 step at soft IPD gives different result!

My only chance is to do comparison with Quest or Vive Pro and see how they feel (every other headset feels quite right from the beginning!).

And keep in mind: Stereoscopic Image is like a drug and you seek for more and more. In the beginning I always had the tendency to significantly overdo the settings and get much more 3D separation and depth as in real world. Only when using other headsets and testing with real world it became apparent. When having it close to right, the immersion was there, even with less 3D depth. Your Offset settings seem quite extreme, but I only know for my XR and my 64 IPD right now. The 8KX is the next beast to domesticate and I can already tell that different settings are needed.


Good point, I also tried this with the same logic. I put the image up on the higher positioned eye to get lines at same height in the headset when closing right and left eye quickly. However, I found that doing the opposite direction was making it better and caused less eye strain. Maybe it is closer to my real world situation that my brain got adopted to.


The basestations can be visible in SteamVR, then can be compared to what is seen IRL.


Hi Arno! well there’s northing one can do about the sweetspot size unless maybe try different facepad thicknesses. you could try to get as close to lenses as possible to get bigger sweetspot. but mind the comfort! no use of bigger sweespot if hmd itself is to uncomfortable. My left =dominant eye is bit more in the sweetspot. Brain adapts to better image/eye.

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Hi Emax!
Don’t worry, my feelings are fine, I appreciate critics or inpits of any kind, especially if th :beers:ey are constructive. :slightly_smiling_face:

my main observation was that if I look at something far away as if I would in real life and adjust the horiz. offset then, I get more resp. (close) to perfect 3d image. switching eye is for checking if details overlap perfectly for better overall image sharpness/clarity. If one can do it without, even better. Without perfect overlap I fel the image is a bit off and then realized I can adjust it easier for by switching eyes.

I hope we get some tools for reliable feedback and reliable setting the lenses and image.

But I am very confident Pimax guys will make it possible. For me Pimax is a company launching very good hardware as fast as possible and then keep optimizing it. Over last years I know that. Other might not be aware of it and expect (close to) perfect product out of the box. Pimax headset is more for the enthusiasts and enthusiasts like to tinker and optimize, right? :wink:


Hi, Do you expect to have the IPD Adjustment Tutorial done sometime soon?
I Have received my 8KX and while ago, but I really don’t use it as I have been having real issues with getting a image that is not fatiguing to my eyes.
I purchased prescription lenses from VR Must for the 8KX thinking it would help, but I have issues getting it to be comfortable for my eyes.
I set the IPD to the absolute minimum because that it the most clarity I can get, My actual IPD is 63.5 mm Near and 65.6 Far, but if I dial that in things are not clear or comfortable, I would really like to get the 8KX dialed in so that I can start using them. My 5K Plus seemed to be easier to dial in, my other HMD’s HP Reverb, Samsung Odyssey and others don’t seem to be so finicky.

I need help, I was trying to play around with the offsets but I had no idea what I was doing.

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Just got mine as well and found that it made me cross-eyed. I played around with the settings (ipd wheel dialed to minimum as well) and got nowhere. What did help, tremendously, was moving the hmd farther away from my face. Try pulling it away from your face and see if it improves. If it does, then you need a thicker face foam. I used strips of double sided hook 'n loop tape around the edges to raise the foam off. I think I settled for 3 layers. It’s still not perfect, but it’s at least usable now.