Alphabetical index

Since it’s currently very hard to seek a title from the list, in particular with a large library, would be possible to have a clickable alphabetical index, like that?


Hmm really not a bad idea! Let me try to dig into this :slight_smile:


@mmorselli Im still trying to get an alphabetical browsing feature to work properly, but meanwhile could you please test the new Search feature in Beta v.0.28? Especially since I know u have a huge library of games!
Thanks :slight_smile:


Spealing of alphabetical. I noticed that for example oculus games are out of order when sorted alphabetically.

The reason why is because for some reason you import the oculus games like this

[Company Name] [Title]

Why is this the case, can you just import the oculus real game names?

So for example

Apex Construct is fast-travel-games-ab-the-shift

i notice in the manifests/fast-travel-games-ab-the-shift.json the real name is not in the json file, the real name must be somewhere?

Now i do realize that I can go into manage game and rename it myself, but that is annoying and not good for new users expecting to see their games correctly named

Maybe you can include somewhere in PE your own json file with the correct names for the games.

Yep we are aware of this problem.
The thing is now that currently, all games EXCEPT Oculus games are imported by PE. This means SteamVR/Revive/Viveport/Custom games are all imported by PE. But Oculus games (which are always launched with OVRLauncher) are still imported by PiTool.

The reason is that we are still struggling to get the Oculus import to work from multiple game library folders.

And while PiTool imports the Oculus games, it never grabs the real game names/titles for Oculus Games. It simply uses the game folder name and uses it as game title. So a game in folder “playful_luckys_tale” will be imported as “playful luckys tale”.

Now, in PE, at least I changed so every word in the title gets an uppercase latter (to make it look better), so PE shows the game as “Playful Luckys Tale”.

But the problem still remains, as the title contains the vendor/developer name. As its hard to tell if developer is1,2 or 3 words, we cant just simply remove the vendor name from the title.

This problem will be gone once we find a reliable way of importing Oculus games directly in PE and simply ignoring the Oculus imports PiTool is doing (just like we already do with all other categories, SteamVR etc). Hopefully we will have the importer working very soon. Im sure Armin will do some magic to get it running :wink: