Wondering if anyone can help with a couple of problems.
Aircar cannot be loaded from PiTool My Games, so I can’t use a custom profile for it (or is there another way?). Is there anything I can do to fix it, or is it one for the Pimax team?
Inconsistent crash problem on startup - it routinely crashes, but not always. Tonight I have had no luck and had to give up, last night I had a few crashes but it did eventually work. Not sure what solved it though. Previous evenings no problem.
One change is that I switched to large FOV last night, which works great at 90FPS, when it loads.
D3D texture crash error - I assume it is something to do with switching PiTool config, but by turn, restarting SteamVR / rebooting headset / restart service doesn’t fix.
Hell, I even rebooted the machine just in case, which is not a solution to me (ie relevant app or service restart is sufficient), but still no joy.
I haven’t given up and reverted to Normal yet, as Large can work. It’s possible Normal might still crash anyway. Any suggestions appreciated, thanks.
Try less supersampling & or reduce pitool render. Don’t have title is it Oculus? If so one youtuber reccommended pi render at 0.5 to 0.75 & use Oculus home tweaks & in game settings.
Sure thanks let me check, it should have been running on PiTool 1.0 and no SS but res isn’t right, and I did manually edit my SteamVR config a while back.
Not an Oculus title AFAIK, I’m using the free Steam version. Impressively immersive for its simplicity and unmissable for anyone who likes Blade Runner
OK thanks yeah that’s what I’ve been doing. I wasn’t sure if I could fix it myself by manually editing a config somwhere (not spotted an option yet), or if only Pimax can fix it.
I did a search through the Pimax install folder and checked out any .cfg, .config, .json, .settings, .xml files but didn’t spot anything for the custom app settings…
The intro does that until it picks up a controller button press. On the Index controllers, most of the buttons work by default so I got past that screen, but turbo did not. I had to choose another profile to fix that. It seems that defaults have problems.
You haven’t mentioned which controllers you have, not sure why you wouldn’t be able to select a compatible profile for your controllers, sorry.