A Letter to Backers | Backer Guide& Update 20191107


Scary update email i got just now. As I read it I kept thinking it wasn’t going to end well. But I guess its just an apology. whew…

This seems to be the truth for once about everything. even validating some of suspicions about the Kickstarter campaign and promises

Maybe this is a turning point.


Yeah, but I was hoping they were listening to us about these backer upgrade plans. Apparently they are not.

They have done this kind of update a few times before and here we are…


yeah, i agree with you I does feel a bit like deja vu .


They seam to do this every time the forum gets a bit heated. :hot_face::cold_sweat::tongue::pray::open_mouth::crazy_face:


I often step back when things have gotten toxic. This time though, it’s an all out travesty on the part of Pimax.

For backers, this move to an 8K+ should look a hell of a lot more like the move between 8K and 5K+. Use the $100 credit if it applies to you, then pay in another 1-200 and send back your old headset. What they are proposing here is a slap in the face to their most ardent support base. Pimax owes their existence to the backers. If they can’t make this right, I say vote with your wallets and send them back to where they were with the 4K. Irrelevant, osbscure, untrustworthy, and complete without access to the main VR market.

Without any serious regard for a customer base they have no business to be in business. Part of me hopes they get it right, but it’s really starting to look like they have sealed their fate.


I’m definitely gonna vote with my wallet… and upgrade to an 8k+, maybe an 8kX if I can.


At least they bother to apologize. Ive met worse companies. Far worse companies.


They are always same.

Dear backers(or futurists),
long lines of excuses,
delayed schedules for every single product,
Thank you.



Well delays are the today of futurist haha.

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Wasn’t the “current owner upgrade discount” $200usd at first? Now it seems to be $150usd, am I mistaken?
I see. It’s 150 with the 8k+ and 200 with the 8k-X. :neutral_face:

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That happens when you are pushing the bleeding edge of technology. It’s no excuse, but it’s not a surprise either. Pimax is too optimistic regarding delivery dates, but they are the only company that’s trying to push the boundaries of VR.


Getting the headsets back costs them 50-60 usd a pop and then there is nothing they can do with them so i think from their perspective it’s quite different from an 8k to 5k trade when neither have left the factory at that point.


As long as any word seems to mean nothing real and sincere, i just feel :thinking: