8kx Right screen goes black

Decided to try and use the 8kx at 114 refresh rate it would play fine for about 2 minutes and the the right screen would go black and stop working. I tried it several times with the same result. But what I found was weird was it was using less gpu vram, around 7.1 to 7.3 while the native mode was using around 7.6to 7.8 vram. I figured set the 114 refresh rate would use more vram Maybe I’m Wrong but has anybody run into this problem


It’s probably a power issue (at least that’s what I think after seeing several people with that issue).

Try a different USB port for the power only cable (black inside of plug).

Or maybe even try a USB wall adapter.

It makes sense that it’s using more VRAM in native resolution as it’s rendering a bigger image than in upscaled mode… :wink:

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you sure it was only using less vram because it was only rendering one screen ?

I’ll try another USB but as far as the vram situation I know it was like that before the screen went out


I tried every othe USB port on my computer and the right screen still goes blank and then I have to completely reset my headset for that right screen to come back on and none of them fix the problem like I said within 30 seconds to 2 minutes the right screen goes blank.


Please raise a ticket for the same. There is a firmware upgrade to solve this problem

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