Where can I faind firmware for old 8kx? @Heliosurge
For 8kX 2075?
There are a few in Release Notes if you have a number can likely find. I think 297 298 and 299 should be findable in a search.
I have ATM a link for 296 debug.
This topic has a link for 299. But most say 298 is best. Maybe @PimaxQuorra can upload a link for 298.
Yes 2075. I think it’s the opposite . Didn’t M298 have a problem with screen flickering at 90hz? and it was fixed in M299 firmware.
I cant find valid link for M298 anywhere. And only one person claims that 298 is better
299 was no good for me as it breaks compatibility with 1080ti. If you have a 20series or above then 299 might be alright. 1080ti cannot do 90hz due to DSC.
Found m298
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