8k+ Pre-Alpha Firmware 110hz

Hi Vrftw,

Our software engineers are working on this FW.
Hopefully we are success to develop it and release to our users.



Hey i want to try it too… thx

Count me in too!!!

I’d love to try this out, too.

Hi all, just a short feedback:

I had a first try with a pre alpha that resulted in dark LCD’s for me at the beginning of the week. Quora and the Dev Team provided a second pre alpha version fast and…

I just gave that one a try with BoneWorks in 110hz, about 220%SS and Large FOV in Steam and conservative FFR - Looks good ! Running at 100hz stable!

Not sure if the image was a bit more jumpy (like distant pixels not quite as smooth, but I guess that is a bone works configuration thing as I have AA off and was messing with it before the 110hz FW.

Actually in many places it looks better visually for me - not sure why.

Did a very short check on Alyx (just before you enter the “last” cube). The surrounding seemed better in depth perception to me then before and maybe a bit sharper? Might be the cold doing tricks, but it was definitely rather better, then the same as before
In Alyx it is harder to keep 110hz depending on the configuration SS, AA, FOV, FFR and in Game Quality (ULTRA for me).

I haven’t thoroughly tested (got a cold) and did just a quick check and start up of those two games, but it looks very promising!!

I have an 2063… 8k+.

Thanks @ Quora and also to the Dev’s !


Received and working the second firmware.


@PimaxQuorra, I want to test the version with 110 hertz.

From my testing Boneworks looks really pixelated with FFR.

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Guys, post the firmware requests here: https://community.openmr.ai/t/pre-alpha-firmware-110hz-on-8k-plus/27907?u=trevorvr


How do I install the firmware exactly ?

Although I am just a fellow forum member and haven’t had access to it, I assume it’ll be similar to the firmware we received for our 2026 5k+ models to run 110Hz, which we installed via a firmware tool in the pitool program files. You run it, plug in the headset, it detects it, then you select the file.


Well… here a short guide:

1.) Get the new Firmware or the one you want, I keep mine in here (just so i know where they are, I made Firmware folder)

C:\Program Files\Pimax\Runtime\dfudriver\Firmware

–> latest pre alpha is something like “P2_RELEASE_M264… .dfu”
–> original is something like “P2_RELEASE_M260… .dfu”

2.) Be sure your drivers are up to date (445.87) and that you have the latest PiTool (V -> post 2020.3.24 stuff) and windows is up to date -> use [windows] and type “winver” to show the version.


REBOOT Clean ! (never hurts)

  1. Using the power shell in admin mode (just to be sure) start the dfu tool

Before Updating, if your have a Security Suit that is over sensitive, think about disabling it for a 10 Minutes, not that is starts messing with the FW Update.

4.) Select the Firmware and Update You should have on the 8k+ and a Serial with 206…, the HMD needs to be on, then DFU will show the data of the current FW

then select the Firmware to update and hit download afterwards, if you are ready
! Do not disturb the process !

How do you know it worked? Well you’ll see :wink:


Great run down, very helpful.

Could you advise on the firmware version you have for the 2063 headset?

I have P2_DEBUG_M256_8KP_110HZ.dfu
it Runs 110hz but has some issues

thanks in advance

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I have another Version after that since my screens did not turn 9n with that one.
@PimaxQuorra can you give us a quick round up? Can I share that one to those in this thread? I guess you rather do it, so we know who is running what and what issues each bring?

@MReis Anyone from those who got access can give this firmware in PM? apparently on the weekend they don’t even watch the forum … And today I’ll just be playing.

thanks for replying, do you get little white bars on the peripheral vision with the new firmware?

that is the issue I have with the 110hz debug 256 version
when I try to flash the “safe” 260 version the bars are even wider, but id swear the stereo overlap is better…compared to the very original 255 firmware

So I’m quite confused now :slight_smile:
All the 8k+ cant be the same then…I have an early one…January this year and that 260 firmware def doesn’t work on my headset

It makes no sense to me how to get this firmware on my 8k plus im lost.

Well you have to have a PM where Quora posters the FW Version to you, else there is no way to go… @John_9950

I basically would share it, but since they chose PM instead, I don’t want to over go them…
@PimaxUSA, @PimaxQuorra can I/you share?

I don’t have white bars, perfect image in Alyx with also the feeling that the stereo overlap is better which was a step up in depth perception - but it mainly guessed. The image in Bone Works needs AAx2 or will look pixelated on far edges, I am not sure if that was the sMe before, but also Steam Updated just as I updated the FW so… Could be I need to reajust the settings for bone works.
Other wise the image is very good when hitting the 110hz or close. 55hz is a bit jumpy in straight comparison.


If you need the newer FW, please PM Quora

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