8k plus shipping response

Is anyone getting a response about how many units have shipped to this point? I’ve sent all kinds of emails, pm’s on the forum boards, and posted in several topics. Any response I have gotten, which is extremely minimal, had been vague at best. I’ve been very patient but the radio silence on this subject is becoming frustrating. Pre order #SO5536

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SO4923 / I placed an order on October 31, but I haven’t received the item yet. Perhaps very few people received 8K+

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In Pimax shop 8K Plus “in stock” now !!! Funny yea ? They produce units and put them in stock instead of sending to customers ?

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This is what frustrates most of us that continue to put faith in Pimax. Obviously we are all here because we love the products and what they are capable of producing. There needs to be a better understanding of customer service, and not misleading current and future customers. The store certainly shouldn’t be advertising that the 8k plus is in stock. The correct and truthful term would be back ordered, meaning that it is in production, but there is a back log of paid orders that will need to be filled prior to current purchases being shipped. Further more it would be nice if they would be more transparent about the scale of production and just how many backer and pre ordered units need to be filled. We made these pre orders with the information at the time being a end of November shipping date. It was delayed a month, and still we waited. That has now come and gone, and yet still no word as to exactly when these orders will be satisfied, or what time frame. Using vague terms like “first batch went out last week” and “ we should send out another batch this week” only creates more questions. It certainly doesn’t provide us, the paying customer, with any of the information we actually want.


@PimaxQuorra, This post above is a good in-depth discussion of common business terms, expanding on my “in-stock” reply to you.

Re: https://community.openmr.ai/t/for-those-who-had-the-8k-shipped-to-them-did-you-receive-an-email-tracking-number/24890/17?u=neal_white_iii


Hello Cmorg,

We are apologize on what we had done that frustrated you. We are really sorry about that.
Here are the answers that you looking for on the comments above.
For sure we hope to let our customers be clear on what we are doing,no matter on the products/company.
For backers,we got at least 50 on 8K Plus.
For pre-order,there is total of 120. So it will total 170 units of 8K Plus we are going to delivery.

Our factory now doing the mass-production on these products,by this weekend over 70% of the 8K Plus will deliver to our user. So you might wait for few more days.

Besides that, on the “in-stock” discussion, we might make the mistake on it. Because we didn’t notify our backers/pre-order users that we are doing the mass-production. It causes misunderstanding between them and us. They might think we still not produce any,yet want to collect money from any new users. This is the mistake we did, we apologize on that.

If we manage to notify our users on this matter(mass-production), we believe it will be no anger/disappointment among them. Somehow,we did appreciate what you told us in your mind. This will be the value lesson we have to learn about, in future, we can have the improvement!

Once again, we are sorry for that Cmorg! Don’t mean to keep the status as secret.

Hope you understand it.
Have a nice day!



Wait… Does that mean 170 + units delivered last week is 70% of the all 8K+ order?


Nope,it isn’t 170units is 70% of the all 8K+ order. What we are trying to say is we will deliver 70% of all 8K Plus order by this weekend/next week. If the logistic is well-planned,and we can work things out!



I will see if you put ‘this month’ in that phrase next time. :grinning:

Thank you @PimaxQuorra for sharing info.
Customers feel much better when they know what happens.


My last question is about tracking numbers. How we get them when order shipped? We get email or can see them on order page?

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Well if you add a bit of understanding imho I would say what @PimaxQuorra says is that:

  • in Week 2 of 2020 they will be likley to have produced 70% of the ordered 8k+ (it is still Happening so giving predictionis is better then solid terms - never know what happens)

  • and most of those 8k+ Units will be shipped - depending on how logistics work out (delivery to pimax from production falicity, packaging, sending, …) that might take until week 3 of 2020.


Good to hear they’re shipping out the 8K+ headsets over the next couple weeks. A few weeks for a delay isn’t terrible in the world of technology. It’s great Pimax is sharing these kind of details as company transparency is vital these days. I’m super stoked to hopefully get my 8KX soon as well.


I preorder mine the 12 of november, they send me email with tracking number tne 25 of december, received it january 7.
The construction and material is very nice. Came in a nice box. Everything seem hi quality. The only thing is it wont work in games


Hello Alain,

Can you share us your problem on “won’t work in games”?
We are looking forward on that.



Per ordered mine on Nov 4th and no tracking number, no headset. Kind of disappointed to know that some that ordered a few weeks later are receiving their order before others.

He’s talking about this thread:

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I ordered mine (upgrade) October 30, just got my shipping email. So you figure I’m one of the first, your order from a few days later should ship soon.

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Hello Cmorg,

Sorry for the delay, you should receive yours soon. Please check your email and you’ll get the tracking number. The order shipment will be queue accordingly to the order date.


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I got news!!! Finally someone told me exactly what they know for my order!
My order ( 25 December 2019 8k+) is ready and they will receive it today or tomorrow and then ship it to me in Italy on Monday! They are producing 30/40 8k plus a day, the fabric shipping list its almost at the end, they are working hard to ship them all next week even if some of the fabric staff already left for holiday preparations…

I hope so guys, even if I’m not a backer and I made a pre-order few weeks ago… I’m excited :slightly_smiling_face:
Ps: sorry for my English, I’m Italian!