8K New Prototype Updates

I submit due to the alternate eye rendering ghosting should be almost non existent. Because of the blank frames gives time to have fully render frame displayed.

I thought the 4k utilized the same technique? you have used brain warp on the 4k, right? Did it fix ghosting?


Now that you have a solution to those issues, would you be solving those issues in the new 4K Batches as well?

Agreed to improve their presence they need more booth places to experience the headsets. With the 8k getting dev kits to key developers where it can truly shine. Big sim games/virtual desktops/ fps & jumpscare games.

I saw something in the corner of my eye.

The 4k model has 1 screen. It uses active shudder glass to do something similar to mask the limitations of lcd panel. Ghosting is still a concern with the 4k model. Once they have ootimized the algorithm more ghosting will be considerably less to almost unnoticeable.

The brainwarp i believed works on the 4k model by the active shuddering giving the eyes unseen blank frames & giving the panel time to display the image at full saturation.

Now with having blank frames inserted this also reduces eye fatigue (gamers often don’t blink much) & creates a pseudo higher frame rate. So 60hz/frames the eye might see 75+ depending on the shudder glass frequency.

Both Oculus and Valve already support synthetic frame generation. So, looking at the graphic above (about L1 &R1) L1 gets a true frame, R1 might get a synthetic frame via a sliced timewarp. (Ie devs or software can control precisely when timewarp is engaged.)

Again, watch John Carmack’s Oculus Connect 1 talk. He mentions sliced timewarp and how it works.

Even if Steam needs to render 2 eyes in 1 pass, you can render the same image to both eyes (monoscopic) also, Nvidia supports single pass stereo remember?

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@heliosurge How many half frames of visual content is being delivered to the 8k device? 120 or 60? If it is just sixty, I’m not sure I understand the how the 8k is supposed to differ from the 4k.

@VRGIMP27 If the game renders the image monoscopically, than the effective refresh rate would be unaffected by brain warp though, correct? In other words, it would not be compatible. To add to this, it’s my understanding that asw and tw work by reintroducing last buffered frame to smooth frame rate. Having no effect on frame rate. Are you suggesting that the Pimax 8K will come with it’s own synthetic frame generation technology? I know that asw and tw were implemented completely independent from game developers so I can only guess that it’s possible but it doesn’t seem entirely probable to me.Nvidia does support single pass stereo with their VRWork’s API suite but I’m not sure this has yet to be integrated into most VR games. Although new titles designed with VR in mind would be compatible.

Tbh don’t know the actual current specs of the 8k; only speculating based on the information we have.

From what i recall oculus cv1 uses 60hz panel asw to 75 to 90. But could be mixing specs up with dk2.

I find that confusing because in my understanding of ASW it protects against frame rate drops and give the appearance of lower latency but does not increase perceived frame rate. I think it’s unlikely this information will be made public, seeing at it is merely a configuration of existing tech and cannot be regularly patented. If I were the ceo in that scenario, I would want complete secrecy until production had finished and I was ready to ship.

I think all these techniques are merely used by SteamVR to generate frames in case the game is too slow in handing over new frames. In those cases SteamVR uses some trickery and generates a frame itself.
Fact of the matter is that most (every ?) game out there is programmed to generate a left eye image and a right eye image each timeslot and that ‘brainwarp’ as explained by @deletedpimaxrep1 only processes one eye per timeslot.

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Well lets face it the magician trick is to use optic ilusions to create the appearance of magic.

Trying to figure how it might have been done is part of the fun.

As long as it provides wonder in that it works. StarVR said with their concept of dual qhd 210°FOV (horizontal) that consumer PCs not strong enough & currently only available to one commercial partner IMAX Theaters. So if what Starbreeze says is true of their 5k panoramic headset the the alternating panel (eye) render makes sense.

Think of RFactor with a triple monitor setup left front right… The game has to comunicate with the hmd’s render. I do recal there is an pvrserver.dll & either in the windows registry or streamvr config file its called.

If i understand the flow

-Game sends to steamvr
-Steamvr reads config & directs game to use pvrserver.dll
-Pvrserver.dll comunicates to game how to send frames.

But you’re assuming the game even cares about that info. If I google ‘brainwarp VR’ I literaly only find Pimax posts. I highly doubt any game out there can work with it at the moment.

So I’m not getting my hopes up that we’re going to be able to run the Pimax 8k at native resolution (at least not until NVIDIA releases their Volta cards next year). Maybe 2x1440p is possible though with a 1080TI and not too high in game quality settings. Sampled up to 4k this should be pretty awesome already! Heck even 2x1080p sampled up to 4k with such wide FoV should be amazing already.

The Pimax 8k will probably be ready for delivery around christmas and Nvidia Volta seems to be planned for Q1 2018 so I don’t think we’ll have to wait too long anyway.

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We use multiple techniques, e.g. timewarp, spacewarp, and you can choose to turn on/turn off the options. We enable brainwarp only when necessary. We will double check with the engineers and get back to you.

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all the games are optimized for 110 ° FOV, there is an option to adjust with respect to the mask?
All VR games will be compatible for 200 ° FOV or only games that will offer an option to set this?
how will the mask adapt to this?


Things like lens distortion profiles can be modified in software guys. Software like Vorpx has that feature, there is no reason pimax shouldnt be able to modify the FOV.

@deletedpimaxrep1: what’s the refresh rate of the 8k version ? In the first post it mentions 75/90 hz ? Can you elaborate ?

Here’s a thought with flexible displays why not warp the panel to reduce warp calculation? Using mild warp distortion to fine tune.

Is there any information about which version of Lighthouse the 8k will ship with? I am assuming they are the current ones since the new ones will not be available for some time.

Good point. And if their customising LCD displays why not manfucture a square 4k display instead of the landscape wide FOV. They must still be modding phone displays

Might be harder on the 8k model due to special optics but on a revisit on say a 4k model base with dual displays in theory should work well.