5K+ Short black screen

Hi there, Last time I used my 5K+ it was on a Project cars 2 long session, and I noticed short black screens (blackout? lasting slightly more than a blink of an eye). It doesn’t happen that often, but it does. I’ve tried other games also and saw the same issue. I didn’t noticed it earlier because when it happens it causes my eyes to blink!

Has this king of problem been reported already? Or seen by anyone else yet?


Maybe performance related. Usually gets a bit laggy and black sections appear primarily in the periphery, when I run something the CPU (or the GPU) can’t handle very well. If it only appears after a long while it could be memory related, unless accumulatedheat downclocks your components. A reboot / purge of background processes helps.

Even for short sessions and on a fresh start on games like beatsaber I’m getting it. My computer is dedicated to gaming and I don’t run anything else than required (i7 + GTX1080Ti).

Here’s a similar report


My hmd goes blank for a split second from time to time although I only run at max 20% GPU and CPU is also bored.

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I guess you mean it goes blank for a split of second (as going black with all the backlight bleed Pimax has would mean cutting the backlight). My best guess is the tracking problem, most likely related to unreliable USB communication. Do you use basestation tracking or only 3dof?


What settings are you runnning? Pitool/steam in game

I’ve seen black “flashes”, but I’m not sure it’s the same issue as yours, since I also see occasional white flashes, and pixel “snow”. The snow is known to be a cable issue and Pimax is sending me a replacement. I’m hoping that fixes all 3 issues. That’s the only thing keeping me from truly enjoying my 8K. I’m still using it, because it’s still better than playing Elite Dangerous in 2D, but it is annoying.


To make sure I wasn’t pushing anything, I’ve set both to 1 (100%)

@neal_white_iii @Pit Received,thanks for your feedback. I will confirm with relevant engineers.

This issue will be updated in next suggestion sheet

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Thanks! I’ll be sure to provide feedback on whether or not a new cable fixes all three issues.

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I go the same issue - snow after a while and here and there a black screen - also waiting for the replacement cable.
Hard to say if it is the cable or software’/driver