So the GPU- frametimes graph stays green and below 11ms always?
You can turn on/off steamVR MotionSmoothing in the steamVR video settings. Honestly i do not know if on Pimax hmds MotionSmoothing is even working at all. I always turn it off and use pimax reprojection method (SmartSmoothing) if i want to.
Try to check the MaxRecommendedResolution settings. I am pretty certain that your SS Resolution is capped by it.
The SteamVRSS resolution you reported is very high. Set the Pitools to 1.0 and try again.
EDIT: According to Sweviver the distortion algorithm needs around 50% extra vertical pixels to get the best visual quality out of the hmd. In your case that would be 1440+ 50%, roughly 2160 vertical pixels. That should be your maximum target. But as i said i doubt your gpu can provide even then steady 90fps…
I didn’t change anything in the file. I checked and the value is 4096. What is the meaning of this value ? What number of pixel, vertical, horizontal ? I’m kinda new with all these VR settings. I miss a good tutorial to learn how to set up all the things properly…
Not 100% of the time, sometimes, with 22/23 cars i can go down to 12ms or 13ms (75 fps) but rarely (when i’m in a big traffic), but it’s okay for me.
Are the GPU-frametimes and fps displayed by FPSvr considering only rendered (real ones) of reprojected also ?
Is there any way to do it for all application ? I can only turn if off for each application and i don’t have Rfactor 2 in the list, neither the right one for Assetto, so i’m afraid i can’t turn if off for my games… I hope there is a way because i would like to try Pitool smart smoothing alone.
Are you talking about SteamVR motion smoothing ? Because as i have smart smoothing off in Pitool and 90fps most of the time i think it works for me as my GPU can’t achieve 90 “real” fps with my settings.
Change it to 16384. steamvr.vrsetting in programsx86/steam/…
Also look for MotionSmoothing and set it to false.
This value represents the maximum total pixels rendered. HorXvert. So as i thought your resolution vas not around 9Million pixels but not even half of that. That is why your gpu could deliver 90fps mostly.
Afaik only real ones. Just look at the frametime numbers. If they are less than double then smartsmoothing to on will give you smooth experience.
If you just start steamvr without any application and go to the video options you can disable it generally
Yes, I do not know if Motion Smoothing even works. You had so much frames because of your 4096 limitation in your ini.