4K 60fps compress---- YCbCr 4:2:0 it is possilbe on PIMAX 4K?

It is possible to push the full 4K 60fps over HDMI 1.4b?
like in link :

Someone knows something about this??? (its woring on PIMAX 4K ?)


its not 4k graphic on pimax. it is 4k screen which gives u 2k for an eye so computer generates 2k video to that googles but u got it on both left and right eye.

Actually,we’re trying to work on this in a diffrent way and hope to work out in several months.
Pimax 4K VR HMD itseft already support decompress to 4K 60Hz. next step is let the PC compress data after rendering.
So we need compress 4K 60fps on the PC GPU and transmit through HDMI 1.4B, then HMD can get the compressed data and decompress to 4K 60Hz.

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Thanks for your information.
Actually,we’re trying to work on this in a diffrent way and hope to work out in several months.

Pimax 4K VR HMD itseft already support decompress to 4K 60Hz. next step is let the PC compress data after rendering.

So we need compress 4K 60fps on the PC GPU and transmit through HDMI 1.4B, then HMD can get the compressed data and decompress to 4K 60Hz.

please give

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It would be nice if You could add possibility of adjust brightness.


Does PiMax not use HDMI 2.0? Why would you make a 4k headset and run it on 1.4b? Wouldn’t you introduce latency and lag by doing the whole compression thing instead of sending slightly modified raw output over HDMI 2.0?

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Could you respond to the question above please? Does the device have an HDMI 2.0 port and Driver board that supports 4k 60hz?

All this is really confusing. Let’s say that I’ve downloaded a VR movie that’s recorded at 3840*1920@60hz. This can’t be pushed over HDMI, right ? So as this can’t be played 1:1, how does it display this ? It just displays it at 30 hz ? Or does it play at lower resolution but at 60 hz (like 1440p@60hz)

Also I feel it’s a bit nasty marketing to market this as 4k 60 hz VR while it can’t even play that natively. I’m amazed you guys have chosen HDMI over displayport (which does support 4k@60hz). Wouldn’t that have been the obvious fix ?

Thanks !

The headset uses a 4k display to solve the ‘screen door effect’ by interpolating / upscaling. If your video is standard SBS you can run it in extended mode at 1440p 60hz using the pix.exe mod posted in the forum previously.

Else, if it’s a 180/360 degree video, you need to use Pimax mode which is currently fixed at 1080p 60hz (although from my testing I think it’s more like 1200p 60hz for some things), and by using say simple vr player, you can add super sampling to significantly improve the resolution:



I agree, the marketing for this product is very misleading, it suggests you can provide a native 4k input, and you can’t. Some in this forum suggest Pimax are working on a way to open this up, but a number of months have gone by with no clear commitment that it will ever get done.

The recent update of Piplay didn’t implement hardly any of the fixes requested in this forum, engineers obviously too busy playing with Kodi to make the headset more marketable.

Regarding the display port vs hdmi issue. Pimax will tell you they designed a headset for the current market, i.e. people don’t yet have the horsepower to drive a 4k headset, hence the target market want a happy medium with no screen door effect, that’s fine (albeit the advertising is wrong).

I would imagine using hdmi1.4 also helped keep the price of the unit down, quick and easy to implement etc. But, what this says to me, is that having 4k native was a ‘nice to have’ for them, i.e. if they can make it work, great, they would tinker with it in the background and release it as and when, not a priority etc. (Pimax guys, I’m happy to be proven wrong, publish a development road map for the product in this forum). So in short, I’d say what we have is the pretty much the final product.

To be fair, even with the upscaling, the video quality on this headset is by far the best I’ve seen. For the price it’s very good at what it does (once you accept the faults and workarounds).

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@PimaxVR, you promised a brightness control in PiPlay weeks ago. Could you please update us on if, and when, that will be available? Patience is wearing thin. Thank you.

Thanks for your info and the links. However I’m still confused. In that first link you post, it shows that the headset does accept 4k@30 hz as input and that 4k@60hz also gets accepted but gets compressed to 4k@30 hz. But you’re saying this is wrong ? It’s all very confusing, also because their English isn’t perfect.

Thanks !

Again, all this is very confusing, but the current way I understand it: The headset DOES support 4k@30hz video. However if you want to play 180/360 video, it’s not just a matter of pushing a video signal through the HDMI cable to the headset. The PC needs to know the sensor data from the headset to find out what part of the video it should display. So we need a player that talks to the headset, processes the sensor data and pushes a HDMI signal based on that sensor data. On Steam, a player is available, that ‘simple VR video player’. However that player doesn’t support 4k video and since it’s on steam, it’s going to be impossible to modify it.

So what we’d need is a video player that can output 4k 180/360. But since the Pimax headset is the only headset in the world that supports 4k and it’s a pretty unknown headset, I doubt we’ll see a 4k videoplayer soon.

Anyway, all this is my current understanding of how it works and why we can’t watch 180/360 at 4k.

I’ve never seen 4k30hz native working, the pix.exe tool for me only opens up 1440p, and the custom tool resolution tool with the 2160p420.dat file crashes. The only way to set any high resolution for me is with Nvidia DSR (which of course isn’t a native resolution).

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Hence, the first link regarding ‘instructions about resolution’ is not wrong as such, but it does only represent what Pimax want to do with the product in the future, not how it currently functions. That’s why everyone is keen to see a new driver/firmware release, with this implemented, and other fixes included. Drift fix, and brightness/contrast control, being my top requests.

Gotcha. i’m still waiting for my unit, I’ve just ordered it, but I understand your comments now: what they’re saying is the theory and what you’re saying is the current practice, due to software limitations. Thanks for clearing that up !

For 360 video in Extended Mode use LiveViewRift. It work in 2560x1440 resolution and you may adjust image over Nvidia Panel.

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Interesting. I wonder if it would be able to patch it to support 4k. I’ll try to mess around with it once I receive my headset.