$400k more pledge and we meet the $3m stretch goal!

Dear Pimax Kickstarter backers,

Thank you all for your support! We only have $400k left towards the $3 million stretch goal!

  • The first group of backers will become part of our core community and your demands/requests will always be our top priority;

  • After the campaign, we won’t consider retail until we have fulfilled all the Kickstarter packages;

  • We made the price on Kickstarter merely cover the cost - and this will always the lowest possible price you can pick up Pimax 8K;

The gifts for the 5 past stretch goals are already included in your KS package.
Every backer will get a free eye tracking module when we meet $3m on Kickstarter.

Notice: We have limited screens here, so we decided to limit the number of backers to make sure we can fulfill your packages ASAP -

First 8K Ever: Limited (574 left of 2500)

First 8K Full Package Ever: Limited (239 left of 1000)


The Pimax Team


Gratz can we please have some other games demo’s for people to experience. I think that would be great.