360 Kinect tracking with driver4vr

Finally got my kinect and in standing mode it tracks well in the test window, but in steam vr the directions are wrong. I walk forward and it moves left. Anyone know a fix for this?

Center only in the piplay by directing the headset towards the north

I found it to be too unstable for practical use.
Hopefully there will be an upgrade to Pimax4k to allow the use of the new Pimax tracking as with the 8k.

I hope it gets updated so kinect settings are saved etc. On my pc the skeleton looks great, but the head swims around a bit, and the orientation messes it up. First impressions are that it could work with fine tuning.

I tried the North facing trick, but then tracking is reversed. My computer is South, so if I recenter to the north, I am facing away from the kinect and left becomes right, forwards becomes backwards, etc. @CReDo, does the kinect have to be at the North too?

Really looking forward to manual orientation.

The problem is not in the kinekt but in centering in the stepless. It seems to me that there is not necessarily to look to the north. you
may have another direction, just rotate the headset in different
directions and press the RESET button until you move in the correct
direction (and check after each press).

This issue seems to have been fixed with the latest Piplay, because the recenter button seems to work properly.

What settings do you use? My kinect is tracking properly but the headtracking bounces around too much. Nothing I do seems to change it.

It was not a kineсt problem since I use psmove and the problems are the same but I found the solution myself.

New update might help. It seems vastly improved. Kinect tracking is still shaky, but the driver generally seems a lot better. We now have VR feet!

Awesome still need to endorse drvr4vr & update piplay. Kinect is known to be heavy on bandwidth. Make sure its the only one connected to the usb 2.0 chipset or a usb 3.0 port.

Might be best on a pci-x add on card.

I think it’s just the limitation of the current driver and kinect. I removed all usb inputs and it was still the same. I have managed to get it working reasonably well, however, by placing the kinect on a tripod a good three metres away from where I stand. Also, the settings I use are:

Head Position Smooth 0.90,
Head Speed Factor 100,
Head Speed Smooth 5

Those settings seem to help, movement is slow but not so shaky. When I need to walk around, which is quite rare, it is fine. Just played an hour of Doom 3 standing up with psmove. The controllers were more annoying than the body tracking, so I think I have made some progress.

If other people could share their settings and how they have their room setup, maybe we can come up with an optimal configuration.

Awesome hopefully @pho3nix will have time to share settings as he has endorsed kinect over ping pong ball.

However Australia beyond 2020 was showing a neat vr hmd using 2 ping pong balls