3 days to go... any update about knuckle controllers?

Good day again.

@Pimax-Support, @PimaxVR

As a backer of a full set I strongly interested in any info about knuckles. I don’t want to switch to headset only, or even cancel my pledge, but much more I don’t want to support something unknown and hasty. The Vive dev-knuckles were released 6 month ago, still in testing and we don’t even have an announce of a consumer version.
But your knuckles aren’t yet developed and you promise to deliver it near February.

It makes me very suspicious. I’m really looking for an update before Kickstarter ends.
Thank You

I want to know about the controllers.

Industrial design grad here. Its very likely that the core design of the knuckles is down in terms of inputs and standards and the only changes valve will make from here is ergonomics/ styling. Similarly what pimax would be working with is a set reference design and making small changes to that or mostly styling/ergo changes.

Back in the old days you would need a fair bit of lead time in product design but 3d printing has revolutionised rapid prototyping and iterative testing in industrial design. They can be tweaking the controller design for a fair bit longer. at least another 2 months before they have to start nailing it down in stone.

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I really hope, but since Pimax has provided just a couple of sketches of knuckles (about 10-15 mins of work for me) and their v1 controllers are cheap and unreliable sort of replica, I’m afraid to believe in incredible power of additive technologies. :slight_smile:


@Siberdt We will reply you more details soon, please be patient.


Thanks, waiting for that answer

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Hopefully 8K-X Full Package backers will get the Pimax knuckle controllers as it’s not due to be shipped for another 6/7 months.

If I pledge 2x100 for controllers, those will not be knuckle style? Only “old school” controllers available in Kickstarter?

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@anach, Pimax offers only knuckle controllers. It still in R&D, so we just have to wait.

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With already having a wand prototype. Changing the shape layout is not as hard as prototyping a controller from scratch.

Once shell design finalized its more of layout the internals to fit & tweaking the positions of the laser trackers more or less.

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Knuckle style controllers.

Prototypes are usually not as durable as final release.

Indeed & 3d printing is great for creating molds.

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I want to know about the kunckle controller.
Is it a kind of consoles by which we can play a video game.


This is like two gamepads for both hands, that can be tracked in 3d, so you can not only press buttons and sticks, but interact with VR scene by moving your arms, aiming etc.
“Knuckles” means that the controllers are binded to your hand, you don’t need to hold it.


Thanks for the reply,
Is it similar to the sign language interpreter?

Oh, not. Those controllers are hardware. Any interpreters are software.
Of course, you can implement any sign language interpreter (gesture recognizer) for motion controllers, but, usually, motion controllers provide interactive in-game functions like aim, shoot, contact with objects, point, grab, drop, wave a hand etc.