23/01/2018 PIMAX 8k through the lens footage

I know the resolution is not great and the means by which the footage is captured is crude… but these are lab techs working on the hardware solutions and we should appreciate they went to the effort of doing something outside of the job requirements.

I don’t care that they did not hire marketing specialists to record the footage, this is better than the standard marketing wizardry used to disguise a terrible product through specialist techniques. It’s raw and real, this is what PIMAX 8k currently has to offer and I have to say it looks pretty good in terms of clarity! You can VERY briefly see the pixel arrangement @2:17.


@Matthew.Xu said that it was using Revive, like this other:

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The community only asks for a video where it is clear that pimax 8k works with revive, we have even told them not to show a video with an exuberant game, we are satisfied with a lucky tales.
I do not think it takes a long time or that it is so difficult.


From the video of “Invasion!” the “pixel arrangement at @2:17”.

The left image is a section of the original image after being enlarged from 720p to 1080p. On the right, even more increased (300%) to show the shape of the SDE.


Yes but they cant read english or they would of see that on the screen it says the game failed.
not a good video for them to put out. :slight_smile:

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Yes,I know it was not the best. And “Invasion!” has a SteamVR version (and a 360º video in youtube)

Matthew Xu promises to ask team to do a better video.


I guess it’s not rgb stripe.

It is a pretty fine SDE, pretty difficult to tell if this is due to the compression format of the video but it is so uniform that there could be no other explanation.

Two months ago, your videos “through the lense” were in 1080p…
There is no more issue with refresh rate screen scanning, why ? Is it thanks to the 720p recording ?

good sharpness and brightness
left: picture from monitor/ right: from Pimax through lenses video


Seems to look a little blue on top of the white on the pimax, but honestly who knows with footage shot through the lens. I think footage shot through a vr lens really needs to have a camera with a similar sized lens with a wide shot, be set down somewhere where it can’t move, and deliberately focused on the pixels. It’s no secret that all displays are made of pixels lol.

That could just be because of the overhead lighting, or the position of the camera.
Or, the screens might not be properly normalized to each other.