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PiPlay 2.0.7 (Pimax 4K driver and content platform)
Released International version 2.0.7
Released Date: 08/01/2018
Announcement: English
Downloading link: http://community.openmr.ai/t/release-piplay-download/17
We are always looking to improve the PIMAX VR experience, please contact us with your comments and suggestions at: support@pimaxvr.com (Email and Skype)
Great news.
I got my Pimax 4k mid-December and I like this hardware. With latest firmware and piplay soft the resolution is very good. I didn’t experience any blurry effect on the lenses but have some ghost effect when moving my head (due to the display technology)
Improving the FOV is a key feature for better presence and preventing motion sickness (110° provided by oculus/vive/etc is too low).
Some key features to implement/improve for Pimax v2 (4k/8k):
-better (and easier) ipd settings.
Ipd must be set for each eye separately to be accurate (each eye is different and could have some disymetry).
-removing the vertical lines system (too visible when the scene as a bright lighting conditions)
-an improved software (maybe the highest priority)
(Pimax is really good but is interface is way far from the wow effect of the oculus interface for instance). Another option is choosing steamvr as default interface (users could make another choice but consumers could have a better first impression with steamvr at startup)
-full positional tracking (the best option could be inside-out full body positional tracking)
-wireless communication with pc/laptop for untethered experience.
(Well…too much maybe but I’m confident that it could be real in the near future)
Ha, they don’t seem to have favor now in oculus and htc vive. You can see the concentric lines which is not pleasant. The theorical advantages seems to be not useful in this case.
Did you test different type of lenses before this choice? I mean non fresnel lenses?
Don’t be afraid. With this type of announcement there will be a massiv affluence on this forum and your kickstarter project will encounter the success.
Sorry i mean Robin Bourianes because he was one of the 3 founders of InfinitEye (bought by Starbreeze) who makes the StarVR (with Lionel Anton and Stephane Portes). Kind of same headset with 200° FOV.
Your CEO is smart to go fast like that. The market is huge and the first ones will make a lot of money.
Microsoft, LG , Samsung are now on the board too which tell a lot.