15 hours to go! Help an 8k-X backer decide... What about you?

Hey guys, so I am still on the fence on what to do, driving me a bit crazy heh. I am convinced that Pimax is awesome but I am trying to wrap myself around which option is best… These are the choices I am are struggling with:

  1. Keep my 8K-X pledge, if so I WONT be requesting an early 8K, I don’t want to deal with double custom fees, ride or die… wait till the X…

  2. Drop my 8K-X due to just too many unknown factors, and change pledge to 8K Full. Enjoy 200 FoV early and have no worries about computer’s ability to run the device or not.

  3. Double dip - Add $499 to pledge and get both 8K and 8K-X. When the X is ready and delivered, sell 8K with all its stuff on yahoo japan or Ebay. Note: I dont have a computer to run the 8K, so I would then have to build the computer earlier, (Jan) instead of (May) which honestly gives me some pause because ideally I want to build the machine for the X in May…

Help an undecided person, decide. Thanks!

Also feel free to say what you are planning to do (keep pledge, change pledge etc)

Random background information possibly unneeded but I am at work and I have loads of free time:

  1. Money is not an issue, I am simply after the best performance.

  2. I have only tested a VR headset once, it was the VIVE, after 20-30 minutes i felt sick… Hoping I either don’t have to deal with that with this headset or I get used to it in time.


I say double dip if you can. Or go for the 8K full. I wouldn’t dare only backing the X.

I’ve backed the 8K and I’m at peace with that choice.
If I could afford it I would actually double dip the 5K and 8K.


The 8k X has too many unknowns for me. I had the 8k X early bird and switched it to the 8k full package because I’m not really sure the GPU tech will be at that level. I can always upgrade it later if I’m wrong.


I would recommend going with 8K-X pledge given your situation, because of the following reasons.

  1. You don’t currently have a VR system and it sounds like you are willing to wait to get the best.
  2. The longer you wait to build your computer the better components you can have.
  3. I have though a lot about the double dip option but think its too risky.
  4. Worse case scenario the X doesn’t fully work out, you get an 8K in may, 200$ refunded/pimax credit. This still allows you to build the best possible performance for VR.

My current plan is to buy a vive now. I have backed the 8K-X and will receive a loner 8K asap to use with my vive control and base stations. They pay for the shipping back and forth so that doesn’t sound like an issue to me. If issues arise with the 8KX, I can just keep the 8K and use the 200$ towards a wireless coupon or something. Also, if there is something slightly defective about my 8K (slightly less refresh rate, one bad pixel) I can for sure switch it out for an X at a later date. I think my plan differs from yours because I am currently borrowing a coworkers vive and don’t want to live without VR.


Let us know what you decide.

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This is the big unknown for me too. I couldn’t play a single Gear VR game (60 Hz)without getting significantly disoriented then nauseated and had cold sweats to the point I swore never to try VR again!

If 90hz is just as bad as 60hz then hopefully 120hz might make some difference for those very motion sensitive?

Worst case scenario: our brains simply cannot adapt to walking around in VR but sitting still in real life, and we will have to sell our HMD’s on eBay.

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Well, here are my thoughts about all this.

Custom fees
Bad thing which is better to expect, however there is a chance that Pimax will send their items from local warehouses to avoid extra charges for the customers (sad there are no updates on that info).

Double custom fees, i’m not sure how it works, but i think it’s possible to find some solution with border policy to not pay for the same twice, as you’re basically ‘replacing’ 1 item you gained for free for another you’ve paid in fact. If it’s not possible, there is also a possibility that pimax retale sells will start around the X version release date and there will be definitely some local warehouses which could assist Pimax to solve that issue.

I’m going to risk and stay with X asking for an early delivery of non-X and exchanging it later from germany.


I double dipped and decided to dedicate the 8k for gaming and the 8k X for virtual desktop stuff as I’m not convinced that 1080ti will be able to keep high frame rates on 8k X for now… I’ll consider selling the 8k down the track once video cards catch up…or will allocate the 8k for a dedicated simulation rig or something…

although everyone has different circumstances.

Also at least in Australia, import tax for goods less th an $1000AUD doesnt kick in til july 2018… this means at least I’d get the 8k without import tax,… and will have a buffer on return if I decide not to open it and sell it as prices will go up in Australia.


Switched to 8k too. like @jimh54 noted, too many unknows. Then again, a part of me does regret switching already :wink: Hard choice for sure.


I have only backed the 8k full but have double dipped with 5k full. Reason for me is economics & be cool to direct compare them. Good side rgb or possibly rgbw with 5k clpl panel so should look much better than pentile oled.

The 8k-X is something to go for if your the type that always likes having the best gpus when available. Though with sli or cf cards you might be able to use lower freq base with brainwarp to still have a good experience with a lower gpu (just need more)

So either adding a 5k or basic 8k in the mix if it suits your financial circumstance to splergh.


I have exactly the same dilemma as you, I have no PC for VR yet, I am also going to build a powerful one in May when 8K X is ready. I am afraid I would regret if switch to 8K now. I decide to take the risk and wait for 8KX. In worst case as Jake said, we should be able to downgrade to 8K with $200 refund if it does not work.


@StaffanStuff - I think the biggest problem I have is that from the beginning I have always wanted 4K… Once I found out that the X version is supposed to provide that, AND there was 1x early bird 8K_X package left, I couldn’t resist pledging… I feel that if I were to change to pledge to only 8K… I’ll be getting a less product (not true, but yea…).

@jimh54 - Honestly I share your concerns too, I am worried that the Volta will be not up to the task to actually do 4K at anywhere near 90… On the other hand I think one could say the X could be future proof? What do you think?

@Jake - After reading your post, it makes me feel that the right option is just keeping the X. You laid out the reasons very clearly!

@Navi_8K - That is my concern as well, because I really don’t have much experience with VR, I am hoping that Pimax won’t make me feel sick all the time… At the very least I hope if it does, I can get sort of used to it…

@industria - I am not really sure what the import fees into Japan (where I live) would actually be… I hope that since its the third greatest number of backers (are from Japan) I hope they can have a distribution network setup prior to shipping… one can hope…

@Aneurism - I really thought / am thinking about this as well, its just the whole computer setup and the inablity to actually use the 8K with my current computer setup is what is having me hold back…

@Sjef - Noooooo bro I need you to get an X so you can help us debug / fix anything after launch! But honestly what you said hit the nail man… I am worried that if I change my pledge I will have the same regret… If an X pops up again before the end of campaign come back to the X side. We need you. Seriously. Come.

@Heliosurge - I have considered backing a cheap 5K as well. I think if I had a bit more money I’d also pledge for all 3 so I can do an in depth comparison afterwards. I have always loved the idea of VR and decided to skip first generations is hopes of enjoying the 2nd… Thats the main reason why i never got the vive / rift…

@ppc0422 - So glad to hear I am not in the same boat! Exactly my situation to the T.

I want to thank everyone again for all there suggestions / help. I am still not 100% but I think at this point I may just keep the pledge how it is… But I will update and let you guys know what I end up doing (incase anyone is curious).

Edit: Speak of the devil! An 8K X Full Package is UP!! SOMEONE GRAB IT @Sjef

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So many unknowns but I think I’ll be going for just the X.
Don’t want the double fees. My PC can do VR now but I’m unsure what FPS i’d get, was already looking to upgrade my GPU but wanted to wait for Volta and the X gives me that


I have some sad / happy news… Turns out my wife is pregnant! Which is very exciting! But at the same time put a lot of things in prospective and I decided that I need to focus on family now. I hope that I will be able to support Pimax once they go retail. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this thread. I will continue to follow Pimax’s progress, sadly from the sideline for now. I hope to join the fray at some point in the future.


Congrats man! Best of luck to you and your growing family.:relaxed:

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Congratulations! On your expanding family. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

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