12th August Update - Discussion

shitty situation now: wait or invest in another HMD

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Well, if you’re like me and you don’t have any VR currently then I think you will have to have an impressive level of patience :stuck_out_tongue:

The only reason that I don’t have any VR yet is because I don’t have the room for proper roomscale. But by early september, I will.


Urgh, no I could not wait like you. I would get a cheap WMR headset to get things ready, games sorted etc. Then sell it. You would probably only lose about ÂŁ50 for second hand + depreciation.


Well, I am playing so many other games still in non-vr that I’m not exactly that desparate :slight_smile:
But once I have a new room, I will get something. Most likely Oddysey. Then let’s say February 2019 or something, sell it and get the 8K :stuck_out_tongue: unless another consumer-priced headset beats Pimax to it I guess :confused:


I backed the full pack and opted to wait. For us will be for sure next year. :frowning:

I am building my big enough room this week but my reason for no current VR is a bit different. There is just no head set that i can find to have a satisfying resolution/Fov. My patient as been tested but it shall prevail and wait now for the review :smile:

For the update it sounds like what i was expecting aldo a bit slower, but sounds quite realistic. I can feel their wish for the M2 to be the final version.

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One of the advantages of doing it in a manual calibration process as I described is that you will catch any non-standard deviations on the user’s side, i.e. issues with his eye-sight. This otherwise would be a complete black box to Pimax, and with such calibration you would allow the user to choose the algorithm which really works the best for him personally, irrespective of what contributing factors lead to that result.

The reason why I pointed out my doubt about the readiness for foveated rendering is also the avoidance of any such statement by Pimax - they are very careful to not state that it is suited for foveated rendering. Maybe only because they know that there are lots of elements outside of the 8K which need to play along before you could utilize foveated rendering; but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they know that the solution & their implementation into the 8K & its software will leave it with too much latency to make use of it for foveated rendering. And if they should have learnt anything from their first year in this Kickstarter campaign then it is to never promise anything which they will have to come back on later… as we know they were not very good at that, so where they actually applied that wisdom, there will be a good reason for it !


I concur that a lot depends on the Starvr info tomorrow , it could well force pimax to change something thus further delaying the 5k/8k .

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Hmm well that depends on your standards. Granted, I would’ve rather not got something “first gen” and rather started with the 8K which to me is pretty much already generation 2 VR. But my patience will run out :confused:

Delay? Hmm I’d also expect the possibility of things being sped up, instead.
Though quite honestly I think the StarVR won’t be consumer-priced.

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So far the screendoor effect as been the biggest deal breaker but i never looked at the pimax 4k since before seeing this kick-starter i didn’t know they existed so i don’t know if i would have liked the screen quality but since they are working on the 8k i have been waiting for this.


Yes if it’s much more expensive than Pimax 5/8k they don’t really have much to worry about as customers will accept lower spec screens etc


but would you ?
I would rather pay a bit more for my 5k and it be oled

if the 5k only $2-3 hundred more with oled screens then Pimax could have a problem , requiring a rethink , most people who can afford a pc to run 5k HMD can go a few more hundred dollars for the oled one and maybe live with the SDE

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i don’t think it has inside out traking built in, they said that would be later, and I dont know if you need different controllers or not.

Always nice to log in at the end of the day and find all this wonderful positivity…

Being negative at the negativity has to be the cherry on top :slight_smile:


[quote=“General_Jeno, post:22, topic:7466, full:true”]
Well, if you’re like me and you don’t have any VR currently then I think you will have to have an impressive level of patience :stuck_out_tongue:[/quote]
I don’t have any VR yet. Yes, the delays are annoying, but I’m also waiting on nVidia to release the 2080Ti, so I have no choice but to be patient.


Lets hope they mean this Christmas! :wink: (only joking, I’m sure they do mean 2018 for most backers…possibly…hopefully).


I only know 2 important Pimax dates: when the DNA ends and when the first 8k´s arrive at the bakers.


Are they going to bake it a cake?

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Oiiy, leave my cherry alone!

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An interesting update… regarding the “90% chance” comment. I very strongly suspect that Pimax is under extreme pressure from their investors to hit volume production well before Xmas 2018. This pressure is probably coming from their venture investors for the following reasons:

  1. Xmas is a huge shopping season. Getting HMDs to retail in January 2019 vs. November 2018 likely means a difference of tens of thousands of units sold.
  2. Pimax (and their investors) likely see StarVR as a serious threat. We’ll know more tomorrow after the announcement. But the Pimax team has to reasonably assume that StarVR is launching a product that will compete head-on with the Pimax 8K. If that’s the case and StarVR beats Pimax to market, then that’d be a terrible blow. This effect would be made even worse if StarVR launched in retail before Xmas and Pimax didn’t. As such I have to assume that Pimax is working extremely hard to get Pimax units into retail before Xmas.
  3. While I don’t have any unique insight into Pimax’s supply chain, I suspect that they’ll be able to scale up hardware production extremely quickly once they are ready to do so (i.e. once M2 or M3 or M-whatever has the approval of beta testers / backers). Pimax is based in China and as such is “closer” both physically, culturally, and linguistically to mass production facilities. Yes, there is spinup time needed, but everything I know about Chinese electronics mass production leads me to think that going from small batch production to mass production doesn’t take very long.