120hz black/blank screen?

Hi guys,

I’ve had a year or so’s break from VR and I’m just firing things up to get back into the swing of things. Other than some weird tracking issues I never used to get, things are looking A-OK except …

I’m pretty sure 120hz option in PiTool didn’t exist the last time I opened it up. When I select it, though, all see is a blank screen in the HMD regardless of whether or not I choose small or large resolution.

The games are running away in SteamVR and fpsVR is showing 120fps as anticipated, but nothing in the headset.

Can anyone help? Is there anything obvious I’m missing? Can my headset even support 120hz, or am I selecting an inappropriate option?

Many thanks!

Which version of PiTool are you using?

Also, IIRC the 120 Hz mode is for the 5K+. I don’t recall hearing about the 8K getting any high refresh rate modes, although I could be wrong.

PiTool v1.0.1.263.

If the 8K doesn’t have 120hz support then fair enough! The option appears under the Refresh Rate heading on the HMD Settings screen, however.

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