I found interesting comment on kickstarter from John Doe.
There is no problem to begin with, take this photo for example https://i.imgur.com/PiNMQId.jpg
Make sure it fits your window.
Put your face right to the screens left side touch your nose to the monitor kind of close and look across to the right side of the screen and watch the “problem” go away.
I try to open image on macbook.
Then move face close to the screen then close the right eye and use left eye to look at the right of image, it has correct proportion.
Why I use my left eye to look the right edge?
Reason is I have ever test in general headset, when I open 2 eyes and try to close 1 eye, the left edge come from the right display. (But not sure for the pimax).
If we use left eye to look the right pheripheral area, it will be blocked by nose and we will not see some little stretch at the edge of right display.
I still not confirm about this and don’t know what will be happened if try to use right eye to look at the edge of right display. But from this test, the left eye can make correct and better scale.
If you don’t understand about the theory, may this test will make some people to has less concern from the perspective image which be shown.
Honestly to me that looks more like marketing from Pimax. What’s the nature of the deal between Pimax and Valve ? I doubt they even have some kind of contract in place. All I’m saying is that I highly doubt that Valve is going to allow for wide FoV just because Pimax offers it. Of course that’s just speculation, just like your post is speculation. Nobody knows, we’ll have to see and hope that they’re going to do something.
I agree mine is speculation based on relying on the validity of the information @PimaxVR posted. Where as you are speculating that this is a misdirection.
Valve is bound to no headset. Yes they sponsored htc & lg to help them create OpenVR (steam) compatiable headsets of which does help them sell the vr accessories like controller & base stations. Valve even endorsed riftcat with Nolo.
Oculus being closed & closed minded is not likely to open support for something they are not offering in their own supported headset.
Valve on the otherhand wants wide open headset support to drive game/program sales. Companies being what they are don’t let you put sponsor stickers on your car if they are not sponsoring said driver.
Now the real question; are we going to be able to drive a bmw with the headset on.
You’re right, doc_ok missed a recent API change, so that’s wonderful news. So then we can cross off as potential problems:
The wide FoV quake/panini rendering, that was not a problem as proven by doc_ok
The angle between the panels, the API supports angled display’s already.
So … what’s left are the IPD offset, which Pimax mentions as probable cause and the iris position, as @VRGIMP27 and I speculated might be the problem. I’m not even sure though about that last point, but I haven’t seen any useful response from Pimax yet, other than @yangjiudan who said that ‘the eyes dont move’ which didnt make any sense to me … The iris moves a lot and it’s relatively to the panel size/distance a big deal.
Oh and then there’s the 3rd possible cause that Pimax is just doing the lens distortion wrong. The lens distortion is a function of IPD and maybe something is wrong there.
I think so too. The new prototype is supposed to have mechanical IPD like it should be in the final version, I think we might need to wait till that’s ready and see how professional testers like it.
The best FOV will not be 150, the best FOV will be 200, which is close to human vision, it will be natural and truthful. 150 FOV is only half better than the common 100FOV. The FOV that is currently in all helmets is very limited, it feels less horizontal in my senses than a normal FOV on a 16: 9 monitor.
Does anyone know what format we see in conventional helmets: 5:4, 1:1, 3:4, 5:6 or something like that?
I measured the resolution in Pimax 4K, which is fed to one eye, and one was made by default, without ss: 3224x1989 [or 1612x1989 per eye] http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=803038&view=findpost&p=60821586
That is, we get the aspect ratio of only 1612x1989. It turns out, on the vertical we see more than horizontally. This is much worse than the usual 16: 9 monitor. And I’m used to playing games on a monitor with a 21: 9 aspect ratio. Therefore, I am only for the widest 200 FOV and not a degree less!
When I bought the Oculus CV1, there the viewing angle was just as narrow. In Arizona Sunshine in the “Horde” mode, you have to constantly turn your head vigorously. And that sometimes arises as from the air of a zombie and begins to eat me. I just do not have time to notice it. It’s all from the narrow FOV …
I just can not quite immerse the game with such a FOV, although sometimes I forget about it … But just for a little while. 200 FOV - it will be just fabulous and perfect.
Can you please confirm if you can have a slider option in the future piplay so people can choose between 150 degrees to 200 degrees? That will give much flexibility for different person and for different content.
It will really depend on application. In terms of immersive value 200° is definitely perfered/needed.
Like the fellow playing games like Arizona Sunshine where spotting movement in the corner of the eye & driving/piloting sims.
Using the headset for training purposes with a motion platform will make learning to operate heavy equipment can make the classroom experience more valuable before using thr real thing & safer.
What about 180/360 sbs videos? Will it show correctly in peripheral (and not only)? This is not the game which can send different frames for different hmds. In videos frames are already filmed.
Videos which looks correctly on Oculus/Vive looks correctly on P4K too. But will it on P8K??
Just to back this up, here is a even better explanation
mic dropped
truth be told i blame all of this FOV scare on the Tested review. It was clear that communication was off. He asked the owner how they were getting 200 fov and due to language barrier we didnt get clear answer
he asked if games needed to be pre built with 200FOV in mind by the game devs, and the answer wasnt clear.
On top of that i dont think the ipd was adjusted correctly due to lack of IPD adjust ment and the stretching that they were seeing was because either the lenses for that prototype were off or the lens correction was off
hopefully if they can get the v3 prototype out to Tested for a second review, they will confirm that FOV is not a problem.
shame because i think if the interview had a translator instead of a creepy guy in the background who said nothing the kcikstarter would probably have at least 1000+ more backers.