Can’t see any reason why the driver wouldn’t be able to map any single-viewplane-per-eye rendered resolution to the context-plus-focus-display combo – it should be pretty straightforward, I imagine. The question seems more whether it is worth even trying, currently, given the workload that rendering 70ppd-at-the-center for the entire FOV dumps on one’s computer… :7
(Must say, by the way, that using projectors for both the focus- and the context display (…or even more zones, with additional projectors), shining onto a common projection surface (…which needn’t necessarily be flat), sounds like a lot easier a prospect (and potentially with less visible seams), to this layman, than combining two different display types with an intermediate combiner surface…
Yeah, I know what the limitation was, which was why I thought Varjo would have a heck of a Time getting that ultimately cool design to work with steamvr.
wait but if its one cam per eye in OpenVR then how come the Varjo VR-3 works in SteamVR are they running through OpenXR on some titles? Isn’t it the same display tech with high res microLED panel in the center and reg lower res panels on the side?
The Aero has two 2.4x2.4ish displays per eye, one camera per eye.
So do the VR-3 and the XR-3 but they also have another 1920x1920 microLED display per eye. This focus display doesn’t, however, sit on top of the larger display; instead it’s image is projected onto a diffusor plate in between HMD lens and large display.
So in OpenVR at standard resolution, these focus screens simply don’t turn on, rendering both VR-3 and XR-3 into dim Aeros. They only turn on (in OpenVR), if either the entire image per eye is rendered at the native resolution of the focus display at its FOV of the entire image (around 10K per eye) or instead if only the area and FOV of the focus screen is rendered at its native resolution, either via FFR or via two additional cameras at small FOV but very high resolution (the latter currently not supported in OpenVR).
Hmm but it seems to be working fine for @NextGenVR here Varjo Through The Lens Vertical View - YouTube or am I missing something? I see no dimming. EDIT: I did not check the whole vid to see if he is rendering at native screen res
Keep in mind that even the context displays, alone, deliver noteably higher resolution than most older headsets; Ostensibly 30-ish PPD (presumably this high only centre-of-lens), as compared to 15-ish for a Valve Index, or Pimax 5k, or 20-24-ish for a HP Reverb, or Pimax 8kX, which will be quite enough to impress a viewer.
The dimming is not something you would see actively happening - it’s just a fixed function of there (presumably) being less stuff between the screen and the lens in the Aero, which does not need to facilitate the focus display projection, nor match values between two compounding display parts.
Well now this has me really curious. Because if those are the standard displays then I really want to see it in action, the through the lens video really does not do this IQ any favors.