Wifi Aim Controller for PC use

I was able to make the aim controller on the pc, wifi.

I have used the method used to make wireless the Hardlight VR Haptic Suit

You can find it in the description of this video:


Awesome stuff Marco!

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Thanks! Just implementing someone’s else idea on another usb device :wink:

I think that we could make any usb device wireless using this method

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What router did you use? The link in Rob’s video leads to a ‘Page not found’.

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GL.iNET GL-MT300N-V2 Mini Travel Router, Repeater Bridge, 300Mbps

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Is it tracking in 6dof?

or are you just emulating a gamepad?

you might be able to use psmove service to track it as a vive wand. or attach a vive tracker to it

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It is for using in regular pc gaming, not in steamvr.

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hmmm…why though? do you even aim bro?

Yes. The aim works and it can be used for pc gaming and for ps and xbox gaming , for any game, psvr and not psvr too, no matter if not originally compatible with the psaim controller. This is the point. Break the linitations inposed by the psaim controller/software by ps


I’d like to try this … do you have any blog somewhere with your setup/tutorial?

or even if you can post in the OP
with a step by atep.

I get the videos insteuction about turning the router in to a VHere wireless usb hub.

but im guedsing theres more to it.

I actually bought that same mini router last year but never got around to using it.

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I have used the tutorial that you can find in the description of this video

He is the person that got the idea. I have just applied the same idea and tutorial to different hardwares i have