Why Pimax can do High FOV and Meta can't?

OpenXR solves this problem for querying views for the app, but the whole rendering pipeline thing isn’t really something it can solve. This isn’t a device-specific issue. Each game engine has a different pipeline and they will tell you their technique is the best. And they all have different requirements. You’re not going to be able to create a drop-in component that works for all of them. If you do kudos, but that’s not an problem I find realistic to solve. Or maybe you can convince 100% of the developers to use Unreal (for example) and Unreal only, and eliminate all other engines. Good luck.

VRS isn’t done via shaders on modern GPUs. It’s a single command to enqueue before the rendering process. It needs to be placed at the right time and only when needed (so left/right views, and not for shadow maps projections for example). All OpenXR Toolkit does is intercept when the engine is about to render something, then makes a decision to add or not add the command to enable VRS. It also has to maintain the VRS mask texture, but that’s just simple drawing to do.

So yeah, it’s really a shame that game developers aren’t doing this themselves, because it’s really easy.

Is there any chance there is some highly attended developer publication/forum, somewhere, where some helpful somebody could write an article that demonstrates to their peers how easy and worthwhile it is? :7

OpenXR Toolkit is open source. vrperfkit is open source.

We wrote a quick article here but it’s not very deep on the technical side.

Wish I had more time but I do not.


@mbucchia @jojon Nice discussion. A good way to improve my dangerous half-knowledge. Read on with interest. Thx!

Well, it’s great to hear you had already written an article! …albeit a bit sad if nobody got inspired by it. :7

Thanks for your work, in any case. :slight_smile:

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