Why it takes longer than expected (M1 update April 23 2018)

Thanks for the reply. Much respect for your effort xunshu. Good luck

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Thank you very much xunshu for this answer.
I take from it that there isn’t much more detailed information available for the public today. So I am happy I brought this question to your attention and will wait for further details on this matter in future.


What kind of tools does the headband need?

of suppose that it is simply to provide a better fit, comfort and audio.

Will the m1 units be sent to the testers at the beginning of May?

She is talking about tooling for manufacturer. The prototypes are done but they need to tool up for mass production

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Ok. Thx!!:+1::ok_hand:

Hi @deletedpimaxrep1 thank you for the updates- and thanks for all your hard work! Looking around the VR related subreddits, I think one of the biggest detractors of the 8k is centered around the 80hz/90hz issue.

Would it be possible to launch the M1 on your schedule, then upgrade from 80 to 90hz via firmware reflash? Perhaps after the team has had a chance to develop and test with the newer generation of incoming GPU’s? I think if the communities out there heard that the 8k would be available on the current timeline with 80hz, and that a firmware update was planned in something like q4/ q1 2019 to bring it up to 90hz all of the negative sentiment would pretty much vanish.

Hi Xunshu,

Thanks for the update. Can you please inform us about the progress in Brainwarp?

  1. Is it working?
  2. Will it be available in closed beta?
  3. Will it mitigate the 80Hz refresh rateissue if you cannot achieve 90Hz refresh rate?



Thanks can’t wait! :slight_smile:

Will the final backer units be shipped with audio headstrap?

@deletedpimaxrep1 As one of the stretch goals, we were promised three pieces of content, but we haven’t heard anything about them since. Could you share some information on what they are or what you’re looking at?


…and have a monopoly on the HMD market, and have an abundance of cash/time to address whatever “picky” concerns the core team had with the lenses, and have an abundance of cash/time to work on controllers/addons…

That sounds like a pretty good idea to me.


I will need to sync up with the team regarding this.


audio headstrap is included in the Kickstarter package, but I don’t know yet whether they will be shipped together.

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We are working with and looking for content developers to provide the free content to backers.


@deletedpimaxrep1 can you confirm those of us with the pimax 4k will be able to use the headphones from the 4k on the 5k/8k? (As was originally stated during ks) If only standard 3.5mm audio jack can pimax have an adapter to convert the dual 3.5mm jack to standard one?

I’ll ask the team to test with adapters. there are adapters available to convert the audio jack from single to dual.

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Cool the 4k uses a non standard 3.5mm jack like cell phone audio.

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Thanks I look forward to the update as we have heard very little about this potentially game changing feature.

Do you know when will hear back?
Thank you! :grinning:

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@deletedpimaxrep1, Has Pimax factored in a scenario of 2.0 basestation component shortages?

If not, how about an option for backers to pay to have theirs shipped ASAP or have they not even been created yet?


Hi,I wanted to know if we would receive an email when our headset will be sent? thank you !
