I was working when it went live ,I’m 312 hope I get the first batch.
#59 Really glad to support a company that’s doing VR how I imagine it to be.
i will survive until it comes i must
I’m backer number 225 and this post needs to be at least 20 characters.
247 is the magic number.
N# 817 here.
I arrived home too late…
Just one Q.
I want to add 175$ for leap motion and base station. Do you know If I change the pledge will the backer number change?
Backer nº28 here… Who was ahead of me?
I’d suggest buying leap motion on your own without the pimax and save a ton. I don’t know why they are pricing it so high as an addon…
It’s not the same leap motion device.
I am backer No 141.
Its not? I was under the impression that it was.
Backer #73 for the [Early Bird] 8K X Full Package but let Nov. 2nd arrive without concrete assurance that the IPD/FOV/Brightness has been addressed.
The rapidness of nullifying my pledge will be swift like a thief in the night, LOL.
87 here. Early bird hoping the brightness light emission gets a boost by final product. Like…really bad.
I am backer no 353. lucky to get early bird fullset 8k.
Number 2 Early Bird Full 8k package incl shipping. Then added 100 for hand motion tracking of course. I killed the F5 key that day lol…
Where did you get that impression? Everything I’ve seen points at a different and better device.
Please provide a link about this ‘better’ device, I don’t recall reading anything about it, just that leap motion would be included for more money.
Just go to the kickstarter and you’ll see it
LOL I did too (F5 spammer!), but kept on selecting the wrong pledge!
I think I got it right by the 4th attempt
Yeah, this was my attempt:
8K - 8K Early Bird - 8K X Limited - Then finally 8K X Early Bird
Just for info, What is the main difference between Earlybird and Kickstarter package for 8K?? Can someone clarify this ?? Please