Waiting impatiently

Hi All,

First a bit about me…

I play VR 8 hours a day 5 days a week and 16 hours a day 2 days of the week. I have been doing this for about 8 months this way now.

I currently lead a group of players as end game PvErs in the worlds only fully functional MMORPG called OrbusVR. It’s a lot of work and a lot of fun.

I have a vive, vive pro and a rift and backed the kickstarter for the pimax.

I am excited about 3 things:

Extended FOV
Super important for video games

Seemingly higher res
In a VRMMO I need to be able to read text at a distance.

Lighter HMD
Playing VR games 8 hours a day starts to tighten up the neck muscles. This will be a refreshing change.

I would be interested to know how i can help improve the development of this product (including the controllers)?


Are you a Orbus VR developer or tester?

Just add a mark to @deletedpimaxrep1, like I have done.


I guess a tester but as it is early access and on the oculus store and steam I would say it is productionalized already.

I have seen DAU spike above 150 regularly.

To be specific i run with a team of players where 20 of us are playing a minimum of 7 hours a week and 10 of us are running closer to 30 hours a week of high intensity VR.

I would estimate that the game has somewhere around 150 regular players playing 30+ hours a week.

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How many fingers am I holding up?

  • OMG
  • :fearful: :scream: :sob:
  • get a life!
  • :beach_umbrella: :mountain_bicyclist: :basketball_player: :ferris_wheel: :dancer: :surfer: :golfer:
  • :wink: :relaxed: :sweat_smile:
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I actually smell much exaggeration from that OP in hope to get a beta spot :wink:

No exageration

Of course i take break days some times.

Genuinely want a different experience than my current vive… the controllers require me to modify them for better ergonomics and support my wrist and trigger finger(s) to avoid injury from extended play.

That proves nothing. If I show you my played time on just one character in WoW, you’d be astonished… yet I have a full time job and definitely don’t play 16 hours a day.

Yeah on weekdays i dont of course…